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Real Psychic Experiences by chronological order: Page 72
Started Hearing A Man's Voice by kadiebug
First off, Let me give you some background. Please bear with me, I know its long and I will be posting other stories that have happened with some of my abilities but this is a current experience and I'm a little confused. I have always known I had SOME abilities but for a long time I didn't know wha...
Do You Think I'm Gifted? by Maddie_111
Since I was very young, I've always been intrigued by the supernatural and things of that nature. I still am to this day, even more so now. I used to say there were two men standing at the foot of my bed every night. Men who weren't physically there upon inspection of my parents. I went to my gr...
Spirit Animal & Guide by Maddie_111
So I'm new here, and I have a lot to talk about xD But, I want to address something that's been bugging me: Spirit animals/guides. First off, I love animals. I have a deep emotional bond with my cat (go ahead, laugh) and love wolves. I have even researched Native American totems for kicks befo...
Contacted By A Spirit by touchthesun
Throughout my lifetime I have always experienced little things that some people consider odd, including myself. I have always had dreams, or thoughts that seemed to come true. Along with that, I am like a human lie detector. For some reason, I just knew things, but especially when someone was lying ...
Guardian Protects Me But Also Gives Me Nightmares by Yunnie16
This is going to be hard to explain and you'll understand later when I say I can feel him knowing that I want more information and wanting to say things but I can't hear. I've had this "guardian" as my friend calls it since I was 6. I see him in my dreams as well as feel him come and go whenever I'...
Is My Dog Protecting Me From A Bad Spirit? by GeMiNiii
This happened actually, last night. But to understand this, here's some back up information: We moved into my current house two years ago. I automatically knew we were going to move into it. Just felt it. Three months later, after the move, I've been feeling uneasy in the house, as if someone was w...
Waking Up Scared by Medium-Feeler-Teacher
One day after playing with an Ouija board by myself for the first time it told me it was going to scare me. Later that night I was looking on youtube for videos of experiences from Ouija boards. I found a video with a woman spirit dressed all in white that haunted some people and moved stuff around,...
Strange Feeling by TheGreatUnknown
I have not written in a while because nothing has really happened to me in a while. This isn't anything serious but it's bugging me. For the last few days I can't shake the feeling that something bad is around me. It's hard to explain. I feel like something's there but I just can't see it. About a w...
Have You Seen Yourself With Two Wings Of Opposing Colors? by hiphappa
I recently read a story that made me realize its time share this experience. Christmas 2011. I had been on the path of becoming more connected to mother earth, working on developing my own life energy and what I could do with it to help myself and others. At this point in time I was comfortable i...
Inherited Abilities by ldybee001
I remember my first psychic dream as a child. I clearly remember dreaming of me waking up and getting out of bed and starring down the hall. I watched my mom standing over the kitchen counter, making tortillas, and listening to her Spanish music over the radio. I woke from my dream only to get out o...
A Past I Just Now Pieced Together by the-animal-inside
Ever since I remember I've been able to see things that no one else can see, to be more specific I could see entities of those not on our plane. I never really made contact with them until I was five or six, when a man dressed in black with hoofed feet came to play with me in my house, he looked exa...
Question: How To Assist Dead To Cross Over? by Sini42
Here I have shared some experiences, but would also like to hear your thoughts of how to help dead to cross over in peace. In my country, there is emotional abuse and sometimes lonely young end their lives. There young people touch my heart. The spiritual world seems to be sending near me and in...
Parasite Cleansed After Years Of Its Dominance by Sini42
Stories of seven years bad karma can be quite true. A week ago a lovely psychic helped me to cleanse my home. It seemed, that for years there had been a large parasite spirit above my home ground in my life. It had come in by riding a man, who was my spouse then. Sometimes negative entities use weak...
Clairsentience And Clairvoyance by dav977
After being a victim of animal magnetism, I was greatly unsuccessful in my life in all fields, I lost my logic and reasoning power and as though automaton. But after this incident I think the Subconscious director of the universe has been guiding me all the times. I used to get dreams which came tru...
The Hatred Within Mankind Is Killing Me by Spirited-away
I don't even know how to start, but I'll give it my best. Lately I had been feeling extremely sad and maybe angry with mankind. How can there be so much hatred within my brothers and sisters, I see the news, on the internet, radio ect. And all I hear/see/read is how humankind are killing, hating, ab...
Intuitive Possibly - Message From The Dead? by beginnerp
I need some help in what I have been experiencing. A little background on me first. I am 36 years old and have no medical conditions that affect my mental well-being. I noticed at a young age that I could predict little things that seemed pretty innocent such as an unexpected phone call from someone...
Ghost On The Bus? by diane39
I thought I would share another experience with you all, this was not that long ago 2008, I had been helping to look after my aunt who was recovering from an operation, I was also in the middle of moving house and working full-time so as you can imagine extremely busy, I distinctly remember that it ...
Whispering Energy by judorky
I'm just a not-so-regular adolescent who for some reason, can hear energy. It's weird. This actually started, my sensitivity to energy and the other realm, a while back but none of it relating itself to hearing. It's like that feeling the moment you turn on your t.v. You can really feel it, the ener...
A Possession: Awakening by judorky
I just have to share this story. I am alex, at present I'm 21 and have been inactive with my abilities to see and speak to things that exist beyond our world. But before my inactivity, I started having this ability when I accidentally found a Ouija board in our basement about 13 years ago. I was...
My Daughter Storm by cdgreen
My daughter's dad died (hung himself) a couple of months before her 6th birthday May 20, 2004. A few months after that we were in the habit of writing in our journals before going to sleep. We were laying on our stomachs me writing, her drawing pictures. She jumped up quickly, I turned my head to lo...
A Lifetime Of Feeling Things Becomes More by Mochmoe
My story is pretty simple really. I never paid any mind to things growing up like knowing what was going to happen before it happened. I'd think of people randomly and then they would call or show up at my door. I would have dreams that would come true and I always told myself that the dreams never ...
My name is Carlyn Hough. I've had quite a few experiences with my life. When I was little mum told me that I said to her "mum there's a spider on the wall" mum said there wasn't but there was that's all I remember at the time. Now that I have grown up a little I'm seeing more. Remember that spider I...
Working With: Human Souls Stuck In Earth Plane by PathR
I have normally worked as a healer working with but during the years the ability for healing has moved toward discarnate souls. What I have learned is helping discarnate souls move on is healing Reasons vary as to why they are still here on this earth plane. Some have unresolved issues: fear, att...
Standstill? by Uke-Kyo
A while ago I posted my story about how I sometimes hear voices when I'm about to fall asleep and how I sometimes see images (visions?) flash across my mind. I started researching psychic and spiritual abilities and I learned a lot of new things. I also started meditating, which helped me a lot. I r...
Am I Crazy Or One Of The Blessed? by just_wondering_if_this_psychic
This has been happening since I was little. I'm too afraid of my mom's reaction if I were to tell her. I have been able to see ghosts. It happens often. I could also sense auras. I can't see them but I can have really strong emotions about someone I have seen once. And I sense atmospheres in places....
Am I Pyschic Or Coo Coo For Coacoa Puffs? by egelbman
so my whole life I have gotten what I call panic attacks, three different kinds. The first kind is when I get an overwhelming feeling that I should be somewhere else. The second kind is an overwhelming feeling that something bad is going to happen. For example, I had this feeling once for three days...
Spirit Guides? by ayase
Ever since I was little I could sense spirits around me. I was afraid of them at first since everyone said they were scary growing up. I never felt like I was in danger though. There was always a feeling of safety and security. My mom said I talked to myself as a kid and I would sing songs about ...
Haunting? New Ability? And A Bunch Of Other Questions by KaalaLilee
I recently discovered that I have some psychic gifts; precognitions, ('feelings' about things that happen later), and a sensitivity to the spirit world, although I'm not sure whether that makes me a medium or not. Now I've got a bunch of questions that may not necessarily be related, but I think I'l...
Premonition About My Dad? by Newmoon45
Basically I have been aware I have psychic dreams for some time now. I would dream about things that I normally don't dream about. For instance Murderous dreams. I am 15 so it is not the normal thing for a 15 year old to dream. I also have premonition dreams. Also my grandma was this way too she was...
My Feelings And Dreams Telling Me Something? by MA138
This was a dream I had a few months back that I was thinking how would people feel if I had passed away, but not like family or friends, just people I work with. That morning I woke up I kept thinking about it on my way to work. I just had the thought in my head that my managers would announce it to...
The Same Black Figure by sunshine1
At age nine my daughter saw a black tall figure at her grandma's house and told her aunt the next day. My sister said she woke up to use the bathroom and as she was going to the room and turned her head there was a tall man standing, looking at her down the hall. I got worried. My family convince me...
Imaginary Friends? Confused by Maddie_111
I'm new to this psychic idea and have been paying more attention to my instincts. Lately I've been feeling these strange presences around me, as well as trying to recall past experiences. I recalled a time when I saw younger and used to ride the school bus. I sat alone most of the time in 3-4-5 g...
Screaming Lady With Claws by NavySEAL
I live in a very old area 200 year old street. One night me and my friend were in my room he was asleep at the foot of my bed and I was awake on my bed texting someone. And as I was half way done with a message and I saw this dim white mass standing in the dark in my hall way outside my room. I thou...
Encounters Of The Unknown, And Knowing When Death Will Come by Confused89
My name is Casandra. I am now almost 23 years old. I have 1 older sister, 1 older brother, and 1 younger brother. Ever since I was 5 I have had problems with spirits and knowing when someone will die. My mom told me when I was little, my cousin came to visit from Mexico, she was 15 at that time. Whe...
What Is Happening To Our Water? by Pyrope
I believe I had a vision through dreaming on August 10, 2010. You're wondering why I'm reporting this now. Well I'll tell you why in a bit or you news-watcher probably know already when I tell you my vision. In this vision, all Earth's water turned red! Where it all started I think it happened in th...
Didn't Realize They Were All Connected by Theanimalchick
So to understand this story I need to tell you a little about me. I have always been an animal psychic and an empath but for the longest time I didn't realize that not everyone had these powers. Also within the past year I have figured out that I am a medium. Now part of this won't seem relevant but...
Very Worried About Hospital Mortuary Experience by cazzsa
Last week I supported my mother at whangarei hospital, her op went well, and we were able to leave hospital the next day. Mum wanted to keep her tonsils that were removed, we were on level 3 we went to level 2 by elevator to laboratory, but could not take tonsils, yet as they hadn't been tested yet...
Feeling People's Energy by daniellebrown20
First of all I am 20 years old, for as long as my memories go back I have always been sensitive to any living thing, my first encounter was a dream I was sleeping and all of a sudden in a dream tons of spiders were falling from my ceiling and crawling on me it was so real I was screaming I swore the...
Dream Or Premonition? Leukemia by yumenikki
Hey everyone. I have always been very sensitive to dreams I don't remember them unless they have a big impact on me but I have had many premonitions. A few weeks ago I began feeling sick strangely enough at around the same time I had a dream where I was diagnosed with leukemia. I didn't think muc...
Lightly An Empath by judorky
That is the title because I haven't been able to tune into any feeling or emotion whatsoever. Just about 4 - 5 years ago, I started to dream about seeing myself sleeping then just walking in a place that looks so familiar but everything there seemed out of place. This "realm" so to say is different ...
Coincidence Or Something More? by o714f
I just wanted to share a few experiences that I've had, and to see if maybe anyone else has had anything similar happen. I had this happen to me Valentine's Day morning. I heard/felt someone come into my bedroom. At first I thought it was one of my little girls coming into the room, but then I fe...
Since I Was A Kid by SpirishPixi
My name is Laura. When I was little I remember my mom always knowing who was on the phone (no caller id) or knowing things she couldn't possibly know. Around the third grade I too began to "see" or "know" things that I shouldn't. Heck, my teacher tried to tell my mom that I was mentally "not right"....
So Am I Just Weird? by JeannieAnne
I've been wondering for a while what exactly makes a psychic. So I looked it up, and even began searching for a course, which to my surprise, I found. Anyway, this site has been helpful. So far, I think I'm not psychic according to these tests. But there have been several weird incidents in my life...
Anyone Took The Psychic Test For Tarot Reading? by JeannieAnne
I'm not sure if this is that unusual. What does it mean when you repeatedly get the same tarot cards (the one here at least)? Of course, I don't always mean in the same order. The same ones keep popping up though--the Devil, the Star, and the Wheel of Fortune. Sometimes the Hanged Man, Judgment, a...
Meditation Makes Me Hear Ghosts? Or Just A Coincidence? by maylabede
I am almost 16 and I have never encountered a ghost before until a couple of days ago. However it seems to only happens after I meditate. The first time it occurred was when I meditated for the first time and went to sleep straight after. Then at 5:30 in the morning I was woken up because it felt li...
Lighted Candle by cybergrl
I was wondering what it means when a candle lights itself? When I was down at my daughter's place sitting at the coffee table in her living room and she was busy changing the baby's diaper on the floor and then, we heard a little dribble at first and turned around and the candle lit itself. I had as...
Strange Sensations When Meditating? by BlakeLA
As of lately whenever I begin to relax while meditating, I begin to feel a strange tingling across my chest. Sometimes I feel this in my face or on-top of my head also. I only get it when I meditate, could this be a sign of an awakening of some sorts? I have read about kundalini experiences but was ...
The Beautiful Radiance by rosey_cheeks
In my catholic school, we usually have masses. I was a 1st grader at that time. During the mass, people lined up on the aisle to receive the bread (body of Christ) which is considered holy to us Catholics. Since I hadn't taken my first holy communion at that time, I just sat on my chair together wit...
Absorbing, Seeing, And Becoming One With Energy? by CaughtInMyHead
I think I can feel and absorb energy from anything really, most of the time I just feel it without warning and it's very powerful. Sometimes I go sit down and soon I'll feel a sort of magnetic energy holding me in place, I can move slowly but when I do it feels like two opposite magnets rubbing toge...
I Want To Get The Dreams Back by Lysia
I'm not sure if my story is even worth reading but it has had a great impact on my way of thinking during my childhood and it has given me many regrets now. When I was little I used to dream a lot like any other child but sometimes I had very weird dreams, and I've always been afraid of sharing the...
A Premonition Or Just Anxiety? by parker88
In the past I have ha occasions when I just *knew* things. I knew my husband and I would be together the moment I met him. I knew the genders of our children from the start. There have been other little things here and there. I've just known. I've never considered this a psychic ability, I chalked i...
Dream Walking Bands by Locosythe
This is a true story even though it may not seem like it. As I want to bed last year I woke up in another land very different than my own. I was traveling though the land and found a pair of gemmed bands. As tried to grab them the just (sorry for gaming terms) equipped onto me. That was when I wo...
I Think I Am Psychic, I Am Afraid by bren89
I have come to believe that I possess some sort of psychic ability. Since I was young I would find myself having visions such as reaching into a cupboard full of all kinds of different glasses, having the vision of a glass with a chip in it, and pulling out that same glass. My dad was gambling one d...
I Can Sense Spirits And Read People's Emotions by Kittycat3000
I'm 13 and I can sense spirits and read people's emotions and stories. Right now, you must think I'm some crazy kid that heard a thump or something and thinks she's so special. But trust me, that's not the case. Let me start at the beginning. When I was little, (like 7 or 8) I was completely convinc...
I Saw This Weird Vision by Jerboucher19
A few months ago I was listening to binaural beats during my stud class and I got into an extremely relaxed state. This is the state where I usually see visions. Once I saw the clearest picture of what looked like a young angel who was a girl. That led me to believe that the this girl that I saw who...
Kinda Creepy Might Be Coincidence by Firehawk
I'm new here so before I tell you my story let me tell you a little about my past. I have had some experiences with a ghost and some precognition (I think that's the correct word.) Well not very often, but occasionally I will have a dream that later that day will come true, to some extent. Also once...
Spirit Guides And Past Lives by kittykat6
Some of you might have heard that I was trying to get in touch with my spirit guides. I finally did, a fact that I am very excited about! My main guide's name is Corinthia. Strange name, but when she was alive, it was a long time ago, and in a much different place. She is a thin older woman with sil...
When My Cat Died by Audrey
My cat, Kitty, had lost a lot of weight over the past year. We started feeding it wet, canned food, thinking it needed softer food due to bad teeth. However it didn't gain any more weight, and seemed to get skinnier, to the point that it was almost just skin and bone. I brought it to the vet (someth...
Intense Change Accompanied By Electric Disturbances by benevolentme
Sunday, May 27, 2012 Prelude: A lot has been changing for me lately. I'm having moments where I can see the inside of my body from an outside point of view. I feel like I need to disconnect from the old and usher in the new. I've been thinking a lot about needing to disconnect from my family bec...
Basics by DerekRene
A brief history of what I know about myself so far. I am a middle child including my mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. I've always had an interest in the paranormal since I was younger. I don't remember having any experiences until my eighth grade summer leading into my freshman year. I had...
Whisper And The Dead Will Hear You by Sini42
The spiritual world presents holograms of new deeds soon to be done. First thoughts and the heart begin to think about certain issues. After some while comes the what I call psychic calling, the job to be done as a risen situation of some sort. I have had thoughts about wanting to help the passed...
Do I Have Special Medium Abilities? by Medium4ever
My story starts when I was very little (maybe 6 or 7 years old). I used to lay in bed at night and hear voices. At this time, I didn't know they were the voices of spirits. I didn't know what a psychic was, or a medium. Or that I might be one. They would sometimes be in the form of echoes. Other tim...
Strange Meditation Experience by Mochi
Lately, I realized that I hadn't been meditating regularly, and I felt that I was not quite as psychically attuned to certain things as I was before. So one day I decided to start meditating again in order to get in touch with that side of myself again. It didn't take long for it to happen. I start...
My Mother's Death by ssdreams
I honestly don't want to do this, but I would like some insight on this that's been on my mind for many years now. Please bear with me with the details, I'm only expanding on relevant things to give some context. I am in my late 20s. I've always sensed and felt things. I had several strange experi...
Am I A Psychic Or A Medium? by spunkygurl91
For many years, my parents would crack jokes and tell stories about when I was little and how I would see and talk to things that weren't there. And sometimes, see things that would make me scream and cry. I don't remember any of these events for some reason. Maybe I was too young or it was so scary...
The Figure At The Foot Of My Bed by spunkygurl91
I've always had things happen in my house. Things like doors closing by themselves, voices, footsteps, shadow figures, and things getting moved. But this time it was different. I had once seen a figure standing at the side of my bed. I wasn't scared it, I was just startled me. I've never felt afraid...
Without Reason by taurustar
I am a 55 year young female, that has a very sensible state of mind and I am open to just about anything someone has to tell me or ask me about. I have people to ask for my opinions on different things and I will be honest about what my reply might be, whether it might be good or bad. People might s...
Possibly Psychic by Jeleena
I don't know what's going on. I don't know if I'm crazy or what. I'm 14 and I have a problem. I sleep walk a crap ton and my eyes are wide open and I talk to things that aren't there and I talk to my family and I never remember it, but my whole family tells me I do. But there was one time when I was...
I Realize, But How Do I Improve? by MadLibs256
What do I do? I have finally come into terms with myself, what I have and what I can do. I recently have been denying it for years. I was too afraid to go any further into the unknown. If I didn't know what to expect, then I would turn my back and run away. Recently this week I decided to stop run...
Empathic, Psychic, Angel, Other - Need Guidance And Answers by Riv-El
I do apologize if this sounds a bit crazy but I googled certain keywords to my situation and it has brought me to this site. A little bit about my personality, I consider myself a good person, I always want to help people, I always put others before me. I'm very positive and try to give everyone...
Has Anyone Ever Encountered The Floating Things? by chik-ee
This happened to me three times that I actually observed, at night. The first two occasions I was walking home, I looked up into the sky, not sure why but I did, possibly to see if it was cloudy or to see stars. I notices two 'floating' things that resembled white cloths that flapped in the wind (ju...
Could I Be Touch With My Sixth Sense? by Guest6725549
Greetings! I am new to this website and from what I have seen, I am very confident that someone here will have the answers to my questions. I am a young woman, soon to be 20 years of age, and I have experienced strong senses of déjà vu from time to time for since I can remember. Sometimes, when...
I See Faces And People And Objects Before I Sleep by stephie-woo
I have been experiencing these weird visions for a few months now and I am starting to wonder who these people/objects and faces are and what they mean.? Mostly every night when I close my eyes laying in bed (I am not asleep), I feel like my eyes are open and I am looking into the darkness but eyes...
Astral Projection - Negative Experiences by Kathryn26
Hey Guys, I haven't posted in a while, the last time I did was to talk about a negative experience I had with astral projection (being dragged from my body). I did as advised and protect myself every night as well as grounding, but sometimes when I'm so tired I forget. The most recent experien...
Connected To A Spirit? by IxmAxFakex3
Although I've had experiences with small premonitions and minor spirit communication my whole life, I just fairly recently discovered that I have psychic abilities. Various spirits will communicate with me from time to time, but there is one specific one who keeps coming back. For the purposes of th...
I've Been Dreaming A Lot by tmanning
So it's no secret that I've loved to dream since I was a kid. And sometimes my dreams are precognitions (I think) and I have been doing some research to figure out how to dream more. Well, I came across a post on here that said something about binaural music, so I checked it out. Along with meditati...
Astral Projection Meeting by thehandsofrob
About 5 years ago I was recovering from drug addiction and was using meditation to help. I was also having a large number of in depth conversations about other dimensions and realities with my mentor. I was starting to have quite a few lucid dreams (almost one a night) and meditating longer and long...
My Life Is Falling Apart by emiXx
It all started on Tuesday 3rd January when I got told that my dog had been run over. Ever since I have always had bad news on Tuesdays. On Tuesday 1st April I got told that my dad's best friend had died. On a Tuesday I got told that my dad had cancer. On Tuesday I got told that it had gotten worse....
House Of Missing Little Girls by mikcila
Again, this is a dream, yet not a dream. It is upsetting and I don't know why. I was at a place - a place that had green fields and lots of green grass that was very, very cold with crispness to the air and yet it was sunny. There were abandoned houses everywhere - some had new residents in them whi...
Hello Everyone, Sometimes I Just Know Things by Jazz_Lee
Hey there everyone, I don't know anyone to talk to about this but I came across this website online and I'm hoping you girls and guys can help me out. Since I was a very little girl I've known I have a psychic side to me, It runs in my family my great nan when she was well was extremely intuitiv...
My Connection by bls
This is a step of courage, and I am seeking feedback of any sort. Since breaking my ankle a year ago, the work I've done on myself includes Jin Shin, Reiki, lots of meditation and a few guided energy medicine Cd's by Andrew Weil, ect. As in taking classes and getting trained to put to use my abi...
Psychic Or Not? by darkmoonlight
Once when I was on a long drive to see family and we were driving on this road down a street nearby. I was looking out the window at one of those low fences in a grassy strip down the center of the road. I saw the fences and the houses, it then felt like I was at my home town or somewhere closer to ...
Hand Prints by SPR001
Four years ago I moved into a new house much bigger than my old one. At every house I have lived at strange things happen, however not like this. For the first month I lived there I experienced some scary things and some more comforting things. They all seem wired because they are all random in a wa...
Seeking Further Guidance by Mommyof2
I have had the ability to see spirits since I was about 10 years old. I have always dreamed of things before they happen (within 48 hrs). For the last 5 or 6 years spirits also talk to me. I have also had them touch me at times. My first experience was when my grandfather passed away. The day before...
Hand Print Meanings by jsoaps2
I always wondered how people can tell your future, past, and anything else with hand prints. I have seen many books on this and I do not quite understand this. I remember one time this person read my hand and they said they found out how I was going to die. They showed me the line and its meaning. I...
Anybody Know Why This Is Happening? by strangestuff2
My life has been very weird since last year. It seems like my bad luck is never ending. I found out my boyfriend of a year was cheating, I got evicted, my car got towed, I was being stalked, and I moved in Sunday with my new roommate and we got in a wreck the same day and her car was totaled. The ne...
Feel Like Someone Watching Me by UnknownAbilities
Bear with me, this is my life story. Ever since I was little I never liked being alone. I would be sleeping and my parents would leave me in the room and Id start screaming, then they'd put me on the kitchen table while they were cooking and I'd go to sleep. Growing up I had an imaginary friend, h...
Weird Things Have Been Happening To Me by 123herebeesmee
I'm 18 years old. Ever since I can remember, I have always had a way of 'knowing' something bad is going to happen, but the worst part is there is nothing I can do because I don't know what it is or where it will happen, but sure enough, something bad happens. For instance on Halloween night I was o...
Need Guidance by Kathryn26
I'm not entirely sure how to approach this. So I am just going to get straight into it. My mother is very sick with MS, just recently she has had another attack. Which has left her incredibly depressed and angry. She is so negative about everything and everyone. I fear that her negativity towards li...
Atmokinesis? Or Just A Coincidence? by rosey_cheeks
I just wanted to know if I'm an atmokinetic person or not, based from my experiences. I've been wondering about this since I was 10 years old. It was really strange because when I was a kid, I noticed that sometimes the weather changed by my emotion. It's like there is a connection. I'm not so su...
Trying To Understanding What's Happening To Me by Unknown87
My name is Ethan I am 15 years old, my whole life has been very confusing so let me start at the beginning. It started when was about 5 years old and I could dream the future of friends and people in my neighborhood. Sometimes they were just the future other times they were horrible, like death, fam...
Feeling Guilty by Zhabesha
Hey, guys this may seem weird. I don't know how to put it in words, but I will try to put it in short. Since I was kid, I remembered being attacked in a dream. Most of the time I end up being unable to fight back. When I tried to attack my body will got somehow unable to attack back, and I can't imp...
Obe Or Being Attacked? by Christiep221
I'm new here but am elated to have found all of you! Quick background on me; My first experiences began around 5 years old. I would get nudged awake at night and there were very vibrant almost fluorescent bouncing colorful "dots" bouncing around my room. But interacting with me. Really trying to eng...
What Does My Experience Mean? by nisha1121
I was visited by a spirit of some sort, not sure, though the experience felt as if I knew the spirit and wanted me to know it was there. I had little experiences before, though nothing quite like this one. One night I had went to bed and fell asleep, then I woke up, sitting up at the end of my bed f...
My Daughter's Encounter by Mommyof2
My 10 year old had a very bad experience last night. She was awaken from her sleep about 2am from her sleep and got up and turned the bedroom light on then laid back down. Within a few minutes she was back to sleep. After sleeping for about 15 minutes she starting crying and shaking. Within a few mi...
I May Have Clairsentience And Clairaudience by jmc22
I am trying to figure out what these gifts are that I have, have had them since I was little and they are becoming more powerful. Okay so here goes: I am 25 and female. I do have a simian line on my right hand, am not sure but believe It may have something to do with my abilities, again I do no...
Reoccurring Theme by Zeck180
Since April of 2008 I've had three major reoccurring themes/dreams that I've dreamed or seen online via ads. Two have come true; The first one came one warm night (I live in NE Iowa) I had a small fan blowing on me while I slept which didn't help matters. In my dream a very large tornado hit a town ...
I'm Cursed By A Demon by mkmode
People just bear with me but when I was really young around the age of 6 I use to live in this house. It's kind of hard to explain it but I use to call it "the line" between heaven and hell because in certain rooms at certain time I would ether feel like I was being watched by either a demon or an a...
Misdiagnosed? by Christiep221
I'll bet majority of us here have been misdiagnosed with some sort of mental illness. ESPECIALLY depression or the new "black" aka bipolar! Lol. Omg. As a little girl I started speaking out about what I was seeing in my room at night. My mom just told me I was tired and would come in and rub my head...
Practicing Mediumship by iScorpio
I've been practicing mediumship, and psychic abilities (Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, telepathically hearing spirit, Clairsentience and being sensitive to energy, and being an Empath), along with other practices such as Crystal healing, and aura reading. The past stories I've made make me sound stupi...
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