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Psychic Experiences in Category: Channeling / Guides: Page 2

Spirit Guide On Relationships by Moody

Every time I close my eyes, I always see eyes of different shapes, color, texture and expression staring back at me. It is as if they are looking out for me; from my research, they appear to be my spirit guides. Although they are there, I have yet to communicate with them. Still, they let me know wh...

Demon Guides A Thing? by mabus

In my first story I posted I mentioned how I had an astral projection issue and I wanted to know why I had that issue. Well a lot has happened since then which leads me to this new issue. I figured why I have that issue and it is because I'm, frankly, scared of seeing into the fourth density. As fo...

Presence Cuddled Me by eleiriel

Every night I've felt an intense presence, very different, and I was so overwhelmed, then last night as I lay on my side curled up in my covers, I felt whoever he was get into bed behind me, and I felt long energy based arms wrap themselves around me, and it felt as if someones chest was pressed ver...

Angelic Presence Upset About Something by eleiriel

Yesterday I went to a metaphysical store with a friend and there was an inhuman angelic presence radiating so much anger in the shop. It was so intense and felt very powerful that the person I was with got scared and hurried from the shop. She later told me that the presence scared her. She said it ...

Demon Guardian - What Is Your Take On This Photo? by Guest429671

First off, English is not my native language so if I don't make my self clear I apologize in advance. Second, I really hope the moderators don't mind me putting a direct link to my photo right here in this post. I really didn't understand how I was supposed to upload a picture any other ways. PM me ...

Archangel Dreams And Feeling Watched by eleiriel

-dream- A while back I had a dream a while after I left boarding school. Where I was standing looking at Sarah Williams a character from the labyrinth movie. Then a 10 foot tall guy. Really tall with short black hair. He appeared in between me and Sarah, walking in between us. And he stared at he...

Am I A Healer? What Else Is Happening To Me? by truely-unknown

Every single time I was injured severely, I survived and was back up long before doctors predicted. I once got a skull fracture I wasn't supposed to survive according to the hospital staff, and was walking around on the second day, and actually was fit to leave the hospital on the third. I was never...

Contacting A Lost Loved One by Jocelyn-M

I'm writing here because I need some help with contacting a loved one, my best friend passed away unexpectedly 2 months ago at the ripe age of 20, the first week after she had passed I dreamt of her every night but I couldn't hear or remember what she was telling me I could feel her all around me bu...

The Warning Of Impending Danger by GeorgiaMOM

I went to bed last night and when I closed my eyes I saw a man that scared me at first, I thought it was a demon. But calmed within seconds due to his appearance changed to this older man with a beard and mustache with fluffy hair. Kinda like the old man you can see in the clouds blowing the wind, f...

My Spirit Animal by Fa0lan

One night, when I was about six years old, I was sitting alone on the railing of the deck in our backyard, staring into the coyote-infested woods that bordered the yard. Suddenly, two pale yellow, glowing eyes appeared among the trees. Then, the creature stepped out into the light coming from our ne...

Spirit Guides, And More by xXx_ZACK_xXx

I want to know how to communicate with my Spirit guide (s). Iv'e tried a pendulum with my crystal necklace I mentioned in my one other story and I said one way is yes and the other's no and what I think my guide said she was a girl. I don't know if it is even real but I do have this feeling someone ...

Alone In The Dark by wiji

When I was a boy living in southeast Washington DC, I had an experience that has stayed with me my whole life. I use to have to go to the doctor and have blood taken on a regular basis. I didn't feel sick but was in some way that was never really explained to me. Not then or since. I was about five ...

Am I Talking To An Angel Or A Demon? by tilmitt

This is really weird but I can talk to my guardian angel via telepathy. I met her about 2 years ago. We became really close friends. My life was bad back then, but when I met her, my life SUDDENLY BECAME MUCH BETTER. She grants me wishes, scolds me when I lie or say bad words. She is basically a mot...

Claire Comes To Me by Sarona

I wake up to find the silhouette of a man watching me, it has happened a few times, the same man. I receive terrible headaches in certain places and more importantly I see shadows move around my home. I can sense feelings of others and I experience instantaneous urges to move or jerk. Today a woman ...

Guardian Angel Telling Me That Judgement Day Is Next Year by tilmitt

First of all, I am 15 years old. I began having this voice enter my head about 2 years ago and it said that it was my spirit guide. Her name is Alisa. She introduced me to all these psychic stuff and astral projection. I didn't even know spirit guides existed. I was an atheist but she made me realiz...

A Few Guidelines Given To Me By Wise Healers by Sini42

This site is a nice way to share, receive and where to be open about spiritual experiences. I am a psychic and spiritual consultant in Scandinavia who has had teachings from many wise healers, old and younger. I would here like to share a few main points they all agree upon. The ego is a blockag...

Archangel Ariel by TheMagician

Is it possible to have archangel Ariel as a spirit guide because I've had repeated dreams with her in and I did a meet your spirit guide meditation and saw a woman and she told me her name was Ariel. I've done this twice now and it didn't mean anything until I looked it up. Every time I have seen he...

Channeling In Journals by OnMyJourney316

Since 2012 I decided to keep a journal. That is when my spiritual/psychic experiences started happening more frequently. When I truly took notice of all the strange things that have happened I thought what better way to keep track of them. I recently pulled these books out and started to read th...

Guardian Angels And Spirit Guides Being Friends by gynethquinn

These are some other stories I experienced with my guardian angels. A while back. In 2013 So one night I had just gotten back from the psychic fair and a medium who goes by beth carpenter told me that I have seven or more guardian angels and that she told me they were cracking a joke about hittin...

A Fleeting Impression Of Being Protected by EmeraldGalaxy

One night I woke up to feel something watching me. I never saw any "ghostly" form, and I easily drifted back to sleep, but the next day I felt him watching still. I became extremely paranoid and frightened because I'd never experienced anything like that before. In an attempt to find a reason for...

I Found Out Here That I'm Channeler How To Develop It by kamui_fallen_one

Please read my story here I want to develop it by myself because where I go to study, they say it will take a lot of time (maybe a couple years) and I don't want to wait for so long. If you feel some energy from this post, plea...

Spirit In My Dream Trying To Communicate With Me? by DaleIt

I'm usually pretty clear on being able to determine my dreams and my dream meaning/messages. However the dream I had two nights ago has completely thrown me off guard. I really hope someone on this website can help me. It should also be noted I am a very open minded individual that is welcome to ...

Freddie: Could This Be Communication? by Zoop

This may be a little long, but things have happened to me of late, and I am hoping for theories as to what this might be. I will just come straight out with it. Recently I became obsessed with the band Queen, and consequently, Freddie Mercury. I am autistic, so getting an obsession is nothing new, a...

Possible Spirit Guide Or Guides? by Keysgirl

As I've been growing older, I have been getting more into the whole Spiritual beliefs and as a result in this, I've noticed certain things that have been popping up. Before, I wrote a story called 'Dealing With Our Demons' and I used to think my friend was actually being serious about it but now I a...

My Spirit Friend Tried To Hurt Me And Is Gone by GhostOfBluestarXScar

There was this ghost of a young girl-my friend-who died because of suffocation. I tried to connect with her spirit for a long time, and one night, when I was about to awake, I had a very vivid dream of me staring at my other friend's house (she I learned she was a medium three months after...

Hain: My Spirit Guide by AlexG

Before I start, I'm 18 years of age and have seen auras for 12 years. I found "Hain" in my "dreams".He has flaws... Like he might not be a Spirit Guide. He has cold back eyes, like a demon. He doesn't speak but shows me numbers, name and colors. My family don't believe in the superntural but since I...

Help, Spirit Guide by Vic_Gallant1995

I am a shaman, but I still have a lot to learn. This is one question I've been asking so many different websites and I love to get feedback on it because I still don't understand it. Every June in the same week every year I have a dream about people with the heads of animals, sheep, lion, dog, w...

White Guardian by Hjose326

Before I was born my mom said this lady came up to her and said I would have a "special gift" a protecter. It seems my while family has had some kind of experience with dogs such as my mom. She told me once that she was walking home and there was this one dog witch attacked everyone but one day s...

Voices Through Me by Deadalis

I hear voices, is what I told my wife a couple years ago now. I told her a talked to spirits and that they talk back on pretty much anything I want to talk about. At the beginning I tried to figure out where the voices came from whether it be an extremely low frequency transmission or a telepathic m...

Aura's And Guardian Angels Help by Skyla

I have always been able to see something glow around people. When I was 12 years old I found out that this wasn't something that all people were able to do, thus I tried to investigate this gift. I noticed that I was able to see colours of the first aura layer with a lot of concentration and practic...

I Feel Like I'm Meant To Help This Earth by rjnewton

I really don't know how to explain myself or what I'm trying to accomplish, but I feel like I was meant to help out. Particularly with the Earth, it only takes one person to to achieve great things. I am tired of hearing all this bull sh*t that people are believing. Yeah I get that I shouldn't judge...

I Feel Like I Have A Job To Do by theshadydude

My name's Vin and I am 14 years old, turning 15 in 9 days. A little introduction about me, I am really sociable but at the same time, I really like observing people, I really like watching the rain, thunder and lighting, I love animals and plants, and uhm open fields and meadows. I am simply amazed ...

Seeking A Mentor by _J_Val

My name is Jillian. I am nineteen years old and have had experiences since I was at least five or six years old. I see clear people, shadows, I know things and can visualize places connected to people as if i've been there and have throughly walked around. I am a very good "guesser" and know names o...

I Saw A Dragon? Spirit Guide? Demon Entity? by purpleprincess1986

When I was around the age of 6 I was quite mischevious and I sneaked out of bed and went down stairs. As I got to the living room door I pushed it open and there infrount of me was a dragon! It smelt like sulpher or smoke and I felt its energy and presence so strong that to this day I often wonder w...

Spirits In My Dreams by Wrongeyes

I had a strange dream that was pretty abstract. It didn't really have a story to it, it was pretty random. For some reason I was in this car with my mother but it was oddly larger than normal. When we were sitting there I looked into the back where like the trunk is and you pull the seat back. There...

Spirit Animal Vision by MandaBx3

My names Amanda. I am 22 years old and having your not so normal experiences is something that has been happening to me my whole life. Here's a little about me. Ever since my teenage years I have had this ability where I could see visions when I close my eyes. Some visions would be brighter looking ...

My Guardian Demon? by theoreo

I am a psychic, I've come to understand that. But I've been really baffled for the past few years. One night, I'd say two years ago. I had a dream, or what I think was a dream. To be perfectly honest it felt so real I didn't know which it would be. The "dream" went as me sleeping in my bed and su...

My Angel Demon Or Good? by retribution

In the last 10 years I have had unexplainable things happen and have went to see mediums and psychics to get answers and had zero success. So I have decided to see if I can get answers in here. Here is my story: I am in my 30's and was never religious/spiritual even though I came from a strong ca...

I Think My Guardian Spirit Is Blocking My Power by PurpleFlame

Now then let's get started! As far back as I can remember I have had this connection with fire, it wasn't like a human or something with a life force but it wasn't an object. It had a soul. I was over at my grans having a bbq over an open fire (bonfire) and the smoke was blowing in my face and I ...

Guide by PsychicJR

This story is not about me it is about everyone here that needs help coping with their abilities from a range of spirits to psycoK to a sceptic of ghosts well I better get on with it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~New Lifes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well everyone should be live in ghosts orSpirits because who said "Ene...

My Self-defense by PsychicJR

This happened on the last day of school and if your in middle school you know what I mean by this people want to fight other people and bring knifes to threat others (assault) and our school officer (officer Stone) was having his vacation so we had a sub and he didn't know what to do so all hell bro...

Spirit Guides And Demons by Spire17

As of late, I've really felt like I need to contact my spirit guide, but never have before. I've always been sensitive to the point I can tell if there are entities/energies around me and get a "feel" for them as to what they are like/what their intentions may be and how powerful they are, however, ...

Spiritual Awakening For 1 Year And A Half by davzplace42

My name is David and I am 44 years old. Can someone please fill me in on why my awakening has lasted this long? I am a medium and this thing is annoying with all the energy in the ears and pulsing through my body. I can read and channel loved ones that have departed. I am not dry heaving as much as ...

Is God Trying To Tell Me Something by dreamer615

I lost my imagination and it been gone for almost two years and I miss it very much it's not a day that goes by that I don't think about them, I had this dream since I was 9 years old I'm 14 now. On August 14 2012 I lost my imagination and it haven't came back since and me being able to write again ...

Surrounded By Spirit by cl32

Around august last year started reading the bible looking into saints and stuff and started a family tree, a while started making connections and getting messages but didn't nowhere from but they where in thought form, but for the past few months I have been hearing whispers then words, chatter day ...

Looking For Psychics Who Want A Challenge by jiminfrankfort

My name is Jim. I'm a former Chicago area policeman who's had some "psychic experiences" in my lifetime and I'm a firm believer in utilizing "gifted people" to help find the remains of missing/murdered people. I want to find psychics who'd like to become part of our search team, by giving their i...

My Spirit Guide Saved My Life by kiannaAOro

I am 17 years old and I have a 15 month old son. Last night I was so stressed out and just felt broken. The father of my son left me, I do it alone he hardly sees him and my world felt so lost and incomplete with out him. I was to the point where I felt I couldn't even take care of my pride and joy ...

My Friend And I by cyelabird

I have known my soul sister, Karina, since 4th grade. The reason I have called her my "soul sister" rather than my best friend is due to our connection. There are times where I feel like we knew each other for longer than 6 years. Our abnormal connection all started not long ago when we started beco...

Spirit Guide Or Romantic Relationship? by airose

For the past year I've been asking my spirit guides to allow me to see or sense them in my dreams and I have also been asking to allow me to see any romantic relationship I might have in the near future well after that I have had a couple of dreams about the same guy, he looks different in most drea...

How Do People Cope With Their Abilities? by Atalya

I haven't shared my abilities with anyone not even my friends because I think they wouldn't understand. When I first found out in April of sometime that I had abilities, I was scared of what people would think and how I would be able to explain myself. I was very unsure if I could say anything to an...

The Crossroads by Crossroads

I used to come to this site years ago and it was one of my first online communities dealing with psychic abilities, Psionics, and other Metaphysical topics. I was 17 at the time and now I am 24. In my time from leaving this site in search of new information I have founded one of my own communities t...

Searching Urgently For Guidance by sbsb13

I am writing this story for my friend, who asked me to share her story because her experiences are too much for her and she feels like she is losing her mind. Since she can remember, she has always had dreams that have came true days later. She has the ability to hear "voices" where ever she goes. T...

Wierd Thing Happened During A Smudging by miscille

A few days ago, a Shaman came to visit. My boyfriend had been very sick and we thought a Shaman might be able to help. He identified our tribal totems and helpers (I am a bear with eagle helper, boyfriend is a wolf with eagle helper) and removed a thorn in 3 sections from boyfriend's heart, this was...

Empathic Guardian by NicholasShinault

I have already voiced on this site about my being a guardian. I believe that designation may have evolved into me being more of an empath. I can still sense auras, and project mine so that it touches others (a skill that has developed even more as I can now do it from across a room). I am still conf...

Hosts And Gatekeepers by Mahatiel

Since I was young, I'd like to say about 6 I've had "imaginary friends". No I don't mean the ones you talk to as children when pretending your stuffed animals are real, but the ones that people determine you to have DID. I'm not saying that I do because I'm pretty darn sure I don't. Thankfully, ...

An Unknown Entity And The Strange Occurrences With It by AdreamWithinAdream

My name is Lauren and I am 18 years old and I have been dealing with a plethora of strange events. Ever since last year I have been getting these strange feelings. It'll often feel like I'm not alone and I'll feel random emotions. Naturally I sought out a psychologist but they said that there was no...

What Is Truth? Guardian Spirits, Voices, And Other Entities by Love1st

Recently, I was re-visited by this spirit who may be some sort of guardian. I've seen him before in my dreams since I was a child, though sometimes he looks a little different. I remember one dream where his eyes kept changing color. His energy feels the same, though. One time, I asked him who he wa...

Los by PeterWulf

Even though quite confusing, I'll try my best to explain. I'm 16 years old and I'm afraid of the dark. But not the dark itself, I'm afraid of what comes with the darkness. The reason, I believe, comes when I was a kid, used to see things, strange things, sometimes even named them: the white man, th...

Empty Water Bottle by Mistynightblues

I had submitted this story back in 2012. I had no response and am not sure if it is because no one had an answer for me or I had posted my story in the wrong category. So, I will post my story one more time.~~~ A friend of mine passed away several years ago unexpectedly. Because I did not have a cha...

The Masked Watcher by aronk

One thing I must say first this is not a evil spirit of any kind. Okay now that I have said that let's move on. Am being followed by what I haven't a clue but I know it's been following me around for a while now. It is kind of like some kind of spirit but I doesn't or won't feed off any nature my ho...

Who Is Aryk? by ArtelynCross

There is a lot of history for this, so I apologize in advance for the wall of text. There is a being that has been around me since High School, that I call Aryk. Aryk first appeared at a sleepover my friend was having for her 16th birthday. Pretty much every single girl who was at this party was...

The Visions My Mother Recieved by hrk

My mother is what I would call a psychic/medium. A few nights ago, I asked her to read me. Having her refuse to several times in the past, I was shocked to hear that she would be willing to. So we sat in the dark in our living room, and she took my hands, dropped her head, closed her eyes and was si...

Guardian Angel by jessieb9873

I would have to start my story sometime around when I was 16 as I can't recall anything before that, I was in a minor car accident where I received a concussion, being close with my family my uncle came to visit to check on me and the minute he walked in it was like I hit my head all over again I ke...

Angel Intervention by jessicaholly227

I want to share a story with you about my life when I was a younger adolescent, a story about an angel coming down and opening my eyes. I'm not going to go much into explaining who I am I just want to tell you a story from my memory starting from awhile back. Back when I started middle school, I ent...

My Brother's Seeing by Christal-Kika

I'm Kristina and I'm 15. I would like to share another part of my story. this one is kind of about what my brother went through and still is going through when he was in Slovakia, because that's where it all started. Once my brother told me what has happened to him, he told me he could see hims...

There's Being Sensitive Then There's Being Stupid by Archico

Realizing that you've lost control of a situation you thought was safe months too late is a very scary thing. Spending time with my cousin was always an awesome thing. She's 6 years older, psychically sensitive also, a Leo like me and fun. We could snap to the same wavelength in an instant. I was 1...

Conversations With Jfk - A Channeled Work by RobertBruce

President John Fitzgerald Kennedy - Channeling Session- Sept. 2013 G - Hello Mr. Kennedy. We wish to interview you today. How should we address you? K - Please call me John. G- Many people are getting ready to celebrate the 50th anniversary of your passing, and there is a lot of emotion i...

Touched By An Angel by jjbjeff

I am new to this site and was looking for someone who may have had the same experiences, or someone who may know something about this. My wife's best friend was diagnosed with a brain disease which is similar to mad cow disease. Her brain started developing holes in a sponge-like pattern, and it ...

My Mother, A Guide, An Unforgettable Exp, Looking 4 Input by Thistears4u

I really don't know where to start here. I thought about posting here yesterday, but aside from my Fiance I haven't spoken to anyone else about this experience, and I don't know who I would even talk to. I'm 29 years old and I have just recently had an experience that scared the crap out of my Fi...

Lady With Green Glowing Eyes by gemgem88

Firstly I don't think I'm psychic but this is the only site I can find where someone had a similar story! My name is Gemma I am 24 and have 2 children and here goes. When I was a child I used to be visited by a lady with glowing green eyes who used to spend the nights staring at me, not every nig...

Looking For Guidance by hazel28

I have been witnessing several things since I was seven. My uncle died I saw a shadow figure in my door way the same night as my sister. I stayed the night at my aunt's, and saw a short shadow in her hallway one second it was at her doorway, the next standing in the doorway leaning out looking down ...

Can They Heal Me? by hrk

This isn't exactly a story, but more of a question for those who are exceptionally more knowledgeable than me when it comes to anything psychic/medium related. Basically, my question is, is it possible to seek help or guidance from your spirit guide (or anything else, for that matter) in terms of me...

What My Twin And Other Spirits Have Taught Me by RJeffrey

To start, I am open to interpretation and to hear what you think and what you think of my post. For openers, I have a spiritual twin named Joey that assists me in writing and everyday life. For me, this is normal, although I feel somewhat not normal. The spirits, especially my "Dad" tell me I'm ...

Shadow Person Or Spirit Guide? by we3ce

All my life, I have all ways been overly sensitive to feelings and thoughts. When someone walks in a room I can tell on the spot what they are feeling and sometimes thinking. My sensitivity runs much deeper than that though. It's hard to explain, I just know. I pick up on things in a group that most...

Prophet, Psychic, Seer, Mystic? You Tell Me by RJeffrey

I wanted to share my experiences so others know someone else deals with them. When I was young, I had dreams that told me the future. Didn't realize what that meant as I was young. My spiritual twin visited me in a dream in third grade. He played with me and said he would visit again later. About...

Help Me With Control by BrynaNikolle1

I have had abilities for as long as I can remember -- only recently have they become acute. I continually feel energy changes. I can feel others' emotions, as well as manipulate them. If I am in good spirits, the whole room is, too. If I am in a bad mood, so is everyone else. It's quite freaky, ...

My Protector by theuniqueone

Firstly, I do in fact understand that this is not a dream interpretation site. But my dreams are relevant to my real life experiences. I do my best to keep it short and sweet. For about seven years now, I have dreamed of a man. Sometimes he comes to me with large feathered wings and sometimes he do...

Help Or Tips On Anxiety And Psychic Ability For A Beginner by justyouraveragegirl

I was hoping you may possibly be able to help point me in the right direction or advise me please? I am completely new to this and I have barely any depth of knowledge on the topic so any advice or a push in the right direction will be greatly appreciated! Any book suggestions or posts etc too! I sa...

Would Like Training by sigmadeadbolt

Helllloooo to all the fellow psychics out there! I have been a member of this site for quite awhile, though I haven't been active recently, I am going to try to fix that. Anyhow, I would like some training. So I am not the greatest with psychic abilities. And they have been weaker recently (Probabl...

Clairsentience, Energy Manipulation And Missing Guardians? by Pathwalker

My name is Alexander and I am new to the site and for the most part, to the use of my abilities in a conscious manner. My mother and I are both clairsentient, and she was actually the one who first confirmed my abilities. She and I have always been very interested in ghost walks, ghost hunting and v...

Noticing My Abilities by Adamwade123

I'm 13 and this started a couple months ago During this time my cousin and best friend, Sophie-9 years old, was battling cancer. A few days later I got the news and I was devastated. My aunts friend new someone who was friends with a medium. On the day Sophie died the medium, Stacy, said Sophie c...

Tormented By An Entity After Playing On A Ouija Board by jemimatrue

When I was about fourteen I started doing Ouija boards with my friends. I didn't really believe that anything would happen, but it did. The glass always moved really strongly and whatever we had brought through knew things about individuals in the group that nobody else could have known. Before the ...

Seeking Mentor by Jenna1983

I need a mentor. The realization that I actually have gifts have also led me to realize how destructive they are because I have suppressed/ignored them for so long. It seems that with my family it gets stronger as we get older, and will manifest horribly when ignored for long enough. If you read ...

Guardians Of A Children's New Generation? by Nicole_19

This time I have a different story to tell. It all started 2 years ago. I met this girl online named K. So me and K have plenty in common. My birthday is on 19/09/1993, 12:00 pm, Sunday and her birthday is on 19/09/1994, 12:00 pm, Monday. So, among the billion people who use internet today, I happen...

Very Nice But Different Type Of Dream by LuuvMikiTakei

Last year I had a very nice dream. But was very different from any other dream I've had. What happened in my dream is: I was in some type of forest just walking around during day light. I came across this panda and I felt like we were connected in someway. We talked to each other, but he spoke to me...

Being Watched by James1001

Once in a while I feel this weird sensation it feels like I am being watched, like once I was getting something to drink and then I feel that sensation. It happens mostly at night around 11h so then I but the pillows over my head because I am scared and once when I was a child around six years old I...

A Path Or Ability To Develop? by Lee-ra

I'm 29 and don't claim to have seen or heard things as a small child but have always felt there was or I had something. Having a few experiences growing up I instantly shut myself down to it purely because of fear. A few defined examples I can give are: As a teen whilst in bed awake I heard lots...

The Messenger With A Warning by e-marie

When I was about 21 years old, I was at a grocery store at night by myself. I was going up and down each aisle, minding my own business. All of a sudden, an elderly Anglo man approached me and said, "Excuse me, I know you don't know who I am, but I need to tell you something. You have been b...

Meditating Spirit Guide by pandibeah

I was told to start meditating to help control my gifts, and I did. The first couple of times failed. But, yesterday I tried. I would love to know if this is my spirit guide, and if it worked. When I go to meditate my eyes stew closed and the darkness gets darker until its total darkness. I don't se...

Can A Psychic Assist Me With This by KatherinesCaretaker

If you've read my other story, then you know I have a few issues. Sometimes I feel overwhelmingly different, but I just don't know. Compared to many of the people on here, I'm not anything out-of-the-ordinary. If there was somewhere I could go, someone I could talk to to see if me friend and I are e...

New Intuitive And Medium Seeking Mentor by MsFirefly76

My name is Sonja and I have been able to see spirits since I was 5. I woke up one morning when we lived in South Texas and there was a little black lady sitting at the end of my bed. It scared me because I had never seen a black person before (we lived next to our neighbor's cotton fields. They had ...

Blue Man With Energy Light by Smilehaj

Over the past few weeks my husband and I have been hearing things happen like random screeching in the corner of my bed random toys going off the plug missing to the tv to dvr. I was getting frustrated so I told who ever was there show your self. Later that night I saw the man in my house. I heard h...

Is My Psychic Relationship Real Or Imaginary? by samcat7

I've been in a "psychic relationship" with someone for a few years now. Whilst we've seen each other physically, and communicated with gestures etc from a distance, we haven't actually met. Not only would meeting be extremely difficult, but we've both developed a horrible fear of meeting, in case we...

Is It A Dream Or Is It Important by pandibeah

This dream I had was quite odd. It happen a couple months ago. Well I thought 10 extra minutes of sleep before getting ready for school would be useful. I was way more tired today then all the other days I went into a deep sleep right when I close my eyes. I was standing outside my house the outside...

Some Blocked Abilities-spine Pain-back Of Heart Chakra by Joni-luv

I am experiencing some sort of life dilemma where my abilities are shut off for the most part except where I can control the weather, speak things for people and they happen, but haven't been able to make anything manifest for myself. My guide, if that's what you call it, constantly says negative th...

Mentor Wanted by ShesThatGirl

The title says it all! I'm looking for someone who will be able to possibly mentor me. My grandfather was half Cherokee indian and was a very strong psychic, as is my mother (from what I can feel). However, she always deflects the conversation when I bring up wanting to become more in-tune with my a...

Angel Whispers by Phehleesha

One evening I was walking about the house as I tend to do sometimes when I wish to communicate with God. And I will admit that at this time in my life I do have consistent thoughts about my finances as I lost my job 7 years ago and the downward spiral sometimes seems to get the better of me. So the ...

My Guardians by lilyanna

Ever since I can remember I have felt like I was being watched or followed everywhere in went and like I was never alone. This feeling was never scary or creepy it was actually very comforting and makes me feel safe. Throughout the past few years I have been getting strong gut feelings that someone ...

Prophecy Lucid Dreaming With Reoccuring Animal by Luminescent-

Lucid dreaming comes easy to me I have enjoyed it as a past time my whole life. I understand the symbolism and messages in my lucid dreams. But in the last few months I have had two lucid dreams that have ingrained themselves into my mind more than the rest and contained future events. The following...

Spirit Or Angel? by midnightrose

There has been a couple times that this female presence has come to me but the only times that she has come to me are when I am sick or not feeling feeling well. The first time was years back. I woke up late at night feeling very sick. I was cold, sweating, running a fever and my stomach was hurting...

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