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Psychic Experiences from United States: Page 11

My Spiritual Experience, Is It Just Me? by angel124

I have been able to see auras recently, from the help of another psychic, she awoke me, and told me that I really do have these powers of a psychic and she told to believe in myself, that was a year ago. She told me ever since I was born, my third eye has been or already had been opened. All my ...

I Can Feel Death by Serenity_love

I've always grew up believing all things are possible. I have had several occasions where people that I know or have encountered have passed on but it seems as I know before it actually happens. My first two expierences were of family members. Weeks before their passing I would think of them constan...

Woke By Voices In The Night by sgolden100

For a few weeks now, I have been woken up in the middle of the night by a man's voice. It's more like a mumbling/muffled as though he's in the next room. Like I can't make out what he's saying. I try to stay awake to make out what he's saying, but I just give up and go back to sleep. Then last night...

I Feel It's Becoming Second Nature by adixon1122

First off let me say thank you for taking the time to read my stories. I have been searching for a serious forum about these experiences. Growing up I didn't watch too much tv but when I did it was always a paranormal show; never knew why I was so attracted to them, just was. It all started when I b...

Our Gifts, Our Reality by MyWhiteHorse777

I truly do believe in spiritual gifts, they manifest according to our own personality in spirit and human form. I have found that basically it's what fits us best that will work, in other words what suits us naturally. I believe this is why at one point our gifts begin to surface, they were there al...

Would I Be Considered Psychic? by Huffleafropuff

I know some of these things run in the family and I know for a fact that my mom and her father both had similar experiences to mine while growing up. But let me explain. Growing up, I would have a feeling about something before I experienced it. I remember multiple times in elementary school wher...

My Life With Ghosts by Lover23

I don't really know there to begin. I saw a shadow people In my house when I was about 14. And it all sort of started from there I'm 21 now and in college, there's always been weird stuff happening either at school around me or in my house. Like tv flicks on by it self and one night I felt someone s...

Feeling A Surge by honeyfire

This is my experience but also a question for all of you. Background; I've been sensitive for as long as I can remember, which is awhile my first memory is at 3. I've seen and felt spirits, I've had prophetic dreams, I've known when someone or something is close to death. I know it runs in my family...

Extrasensory Perception In Dreams by carri

Have any of you experienced extrasensory perception in dreams? I had a dream about my name on the list for a job. Then a few weeks later I got phone call from that job. I actually got the job that I had dreamed about. Have you have a dream and can predict something? I have on occasion. I also wa...

The Spirit Veil Above Us by carri

The other night I fell asleep and talked to my friend another psychic, Joanne. She told me that there is a spirit veil above us 3 feet. I wondered about this spirit veil. Me and Joanne talked for several hours online about this spirit veil. Joanne is a lawyer actually that has a psychic child. W...

Am I Different, Am I An Empath, Psychic? by Foxy85

I am 31 years old, as a younger child I have always been a very spiritual person to begin with, not to mention I am a Pisces. I have always felt I was special than others around me. I have had dreams that have come true. For instance a plane crash with one survivor. I woke up went to work at a local...

At One Time I Possessed Clairolfaction by jewel_brite

I am able to sense when a loved one is visiting us through smell. But I can only do this when some possession of theirs that they treasured or used a lot are nearby. For example, we have a shoe cabinet that my father-in-law used. At the time, some of his shoes were still in it. I could smell his pre...

How Do I Learn To Use It by Itsme1963

I am only 13 years old, and I have had so many different things happen to me, I have had dreams that have come true so many times that it can't just be a coincidence sometimes when I don't know a number to something random numbers pop into my head and they are usually right when I am at school I tak...

Started Hearing Conversations by Hillshaven07

I first saw a spirit of a women in period date dress when I was about 5. I woke up in the middle of the night and she was standing at the foot of my bed watching me and smiling. Of course it freaked me out and screamed. As I got older I felt like I was different. Later on after I got married and h...

New "strange Abilitiy" by Xarath

If you read my other posts, it's obvious I make quite a bit of posts about my various abilities and the experiences around them, I am here once again to describe something I have experienced, or rather was told how to do. I have had several experiences with this ability already along with many ob...

Psychic Test Gone Bad/ Wierd Things Happen by MeAndMe

I was taking the psychic telekinesis test on this website... And it was really weird because one minute I am looking at the screen trying to make the bars move. So I put my hand on the screen and I was touching (kind of stroking) the bar and all of a sudden my computer goes psycho. The timed limit t...

Odd Energies & Senses, Not Sure How To Understand It All by elizabuth

I'm 17 years old, and for as long as I can remember I've always felt a bit off or differentiated from the world and other people. I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, anxiety, ADHD & OCD when I was around 15 after my parents finally decided to have me sent to therapy and psychoanalyzing (...

Warning Dreams Of Danger by carri

My sister Gina was the baby of the family. She was a spoiled brat as child. My stepfather was abusive toward me since I was his step daughter. Richard never adopted me as well as my foster parents. Richard did not adopt me because I was his stepdaughter and Colin never adopted me because I was his f...

Keep Grounded In Truth As You Go by MyWhiteHorse777

I encountered my new "sight", my spiritual awakening as a result of being naïve, ignorant and very unprepared. I have always believed in God, always since I was little I was aware of who God was. I also believed that there was an opposite to Him, by encounters of different sorts I knew there was an...

I've Begun To Have Psychic Dreams by joannab623

When I was little, so my older sister tells me, I used to tell her I had dreams that predicted the future. I couldn't have been much older than five when I began having these dreams and I've since forgotten about the details surrounding most of them. However, there is one I can still remember vividl...

I Have Always Had Gifts by whimsicalang80

I'm Angie. I'm almost 36. My abilities come and go my whole life. Stronger now because I\'m more in tuned to them. And I'm not crazy. It started out when I was 5. I had an imaginary friend. Still do. Its a spirit who follows me everywhere in my life. No shes not my gairdian angel. I do have one ...

Energy, Visualization, Spirit Work, And Empathic Abilities by victoriaelizabeth_

My name is Vicki and for as long as I can remember I have been able to easily visualize energy and use that energy in different ways. For example let's say I want a candle flame to move a certain way, ill put my energy into it and it will. This goes for other things such as wind and I am unsure ...

Reopening My Abilities by dreamer13099

I was wondering how I can reopen my psychic abilities. I have been psychic for as long as I can remember, but about a year ago there was a lot going on in my life. Two of my grandparents had passed away within months and I was just in a bad mental state. I found my abilities to be overwhelming and o...

Eye Color Changing And Wondering About Experiences Occurring by DarkAngel1998

My name is Shannon. I recently found this page after doing a search inquiring as to why my eyes are a more golden color. After reading through a few of the posts I figured I would say what I have experienced through my life in an attempt to get some answers. I guess I should start out with the ...

A Family Gift Or Curse: What About Me Is My Fault? by Swordsoflight

It has been a while since I've been on here, almost too long. My school life is ending, and within the timespan of this story and the previous, I've grown a lot, spiritually, mentally, physically. Some things i'm hoping to gain answers, some I know there aren't answers for them. It turns out i'm not...

Seeing Little Boy by Randawashere

My Mom was telling me this, this morning what had happened to her last night while being awake getting ready to go bed. She was Just laying there facing her door way and was able to see her bathroom door. She saw her son come in and she yelled at him for running in, but as she talking to him she saw...

Psychic Telemetry by carri

I have psychic Telemetry. Do else of you have this ability? I discovered it by accident. By touching the letter of my deceased aunt, she communicated with me as a medium. I was I was about 14. My mom gave me a letter to put on her dresser in 1980 it was of her Aunt Slyvia. In Georgia. Slyvia wou...

I Think I Am A Medium by still-looking

A pretty young medium, too. I have had a fear of the dark for Lord knows how long. I've been closing my closets in fear of seeing a ghost or maybe even two eyes looking at me. I mean, once, I saw my room door open (though I highly doubt that was a ghost. I can post the story of that relating to t...

Was I Being Haunted And If So, Why? by Crystalgal

In the summer of 2015, sometime around early July, I began to lose a lot of weight (over twenty pounds) with no good explanation. My mood became altered, I was experiencing intense anxiety for the first time in my life. Back in May 2015 just a couple months earlier I signed the lease for a house at ...

Too Many Incidents To Name by maskedmanx

My name is william. I'm 28. This has been happening for 10 years now that I remember and I can't stop it. Its out of control. I see guardian angels following people. I hear them and smell their scent that they use to smell like. I have dreams that come true. My girl friend got killed and I w...

I Saw It by ladesaulnier

One day I was sitting on my bed thinking about different things. It was 18 years ago I was about 15 or 16 at this time. Suddenly I had this thought and some what of a vision of my friend, whom I grew up with and was neighbors to, was walking down our street towards his house and was hit by a car. I ...

Bad Things Happen When I Am Sad Or Angry by erzebet89

I am now 23 years old and last month, I sent my husband to prison for 2 years. It has been happening since I was little. Small things. In school I would wish really hard to win the prize drawing and I would get it every single time. As time passed, somehow when I would get sad or angry, bad things ...

Am I Having A Psychic Awakening? by ArabaDadzie

My name is Araba. I'm a Virgo 9/16/97 (Virgo Sun. To start off ever since I was 13 I've been having vivid realistic dreams. These dreams have always been a precognition of events that were to come in the future. These dreams were anything from warnings from my spirit guides of friends who'd turn aga...

Clairsentient Empath - Teach Me? by Beccakitty

My mother is very clairsentient, has always had strong gut feelings but never worked to develop these abilities any further. After a while she dismissed it and didn't research it any further or even think it was anything too important. I noticed from a young age that I felt more extremely than other...

I've Seen The Same Numbers, All Over The Place by NullN1ght

I actually have seen some people as well, seeing some numbers repeating in their life that have no connection, well, at least look like so, in my case though, I have seen the number "169", not a very common number, and that's something interestingly personal to me, because 6 was always my "Bad luck"...

Family Angels by jhogie

I am a 42 year old wife and mother of 3 teenagers and four months ago I realized I was given a gift from God. I am able to feel spirits but I cannot see or hear them. The first time I realized this, it scared me to death because I had no idea what was going. I thought I was going crazy. I was ta...

New Powerful Abilities? by Xarath

As you may of read in my past experiences I am a practitioner of Biokinesis, and various other abilities. I have stumbled upon abilities I can't fully explain to someone that is experiencing them, Ill try to explain what happened before gaining them and what they are the best I can. I am fairly sure...

Bad News From Psychic Reading? Help Understanding Messge by MRM83

I have been seeing the same psychic every 12-14 months for the past ~ 8 years. She is a very gifted woman who can see deep into my soul and is able to give a reading radiating in light, love and direction. In previous readings, she has brought up issues I have needed to address and helped reduce fea...

The Reality Check by MzWhitney

Alright. Well let me tell you what's been going on. When I was 13 I went into this abandoned house with some friends but they were too scared to go in, so I did. In the back of the house was this long hallway. At the end was this door that was boarded up and had caution tape on it. When I opened the...

Am I Having A Psychic Awakening? by mary95

To start off. Ever since like 2 years ago I've been having really vivid dreams, I can remember every detail in the dream. In my dreams I think I've went to places where dead people are. And I think I've even saw my dead miscarried son in my dream telling me everything will be okay when me and my twi...

Spirits Come To Me by Angelica-12

I have always had the ability to see spirits since I was a child. I see them as vivid as they can possibly be. As a child I would see them, but I would quickly disregard what I would see and convince myself that it was simply my imagination. I am now 25 years old. I can sense whether they hold good ...

I Knew That Was Going To Happen by Tamalea

I've said that many times over the years and even told people I really didn't consider myself psychic. I recently heard the term psychic knower and started to wonder. After reading about it, I'm still not sure. Through the years, I've had many instances of deja vu and dreams that felt extremely real...

First Tracking Of The Bad Feelings - Orlando Shooting by MrsMiroku

I am pretty sure that the title alone may feel absurd in all ways possible but please hear me out. This is the experience that lead me in to keeping track of my "bad feelings" On June 11th 2016, it was about 10pmish? My roommate and I went to go outside to take my dog out to use the restroom bef...

I Believe I Experienced Accidental Telekinises by Uriel55

First let me start by saying that I have been dealing with similar issues since I was child. These experiences are not all directly connected to telekinetics, but are related in some way. I'll write about those experiences some other day, but today I wish to share with you a weird occurence that ha...

When One Door Closes, Another Opens by Owliegirl

My experiences (which continue to this day) started back in 2003, upon the death of a very close family member in another country. I was living and working in Eastern Europe when I had to go to the Mediterranean region for a funeral. We were very close in life. The only compelling moment at her fune...

I Could Really Use A Teacher. by Krysta

I've been told by my elders that my family comes from a long line if Athabaskan shaw women. The women in my family have gifts and we can feel spirits. All my life strange things have happened to me from reading my sisters minds to dreaming the future. Do I really have a gift or am I just crazy? ...

Message From My Spirt Guides by laurencat

I had a peculiar "dream" a few nights ago. My room looked mostly the same, but there were these cats that somehow entered in from the doorway. They were tabby cats. These cats kept rubbing up against me, and they did not have any pupils in their eyes. At first, I thought my father let our cat in my ...

Psychic Predictions About Mom by HonorBrace234

To be concise, I am in no form an avid psychic reader. I definitely have abilities but they are not as significant as other abilities I have. As I am not completely in touch with my psychic side, I need to simply state that I am looking for what I do in regards to my mother. A few months ago my ...

Start Of My Experiences - The Face In The Kitchen by MrsMiroku

I am now 23 years old and have always ignored my strange feelings or some of the things I have seen. Here is my where it began. I was about 5 years old, I lived with my Aunt in a house that was just remodeled a year before that. I remember waking up from a deep sleep and walked through the hal...

I Have Psychic Experiences Yet No Control Thereof by N0menNesci0

I am confident that there have been strong psychic workings in my life. However, I am less confident that I myself am actually psychic. I am inclined to believe that I am, but given my current state I find it hard to truly be sure of anything. At this point I am not well and I have been in a very st...

I Can See Spirits And Feel Energies by Cavisdasey

Ever since I was a little girl I remember seeing spirits. I not only see them, but I feel them. I know whether they have good or bad intentions. When they are demonic I always feel their presence as soon as I walk in the door. I never see them clearly though, only as figures in black or white. They ...

Help Me Save My Brother by MoonlitSailor

Ever since I was younger I have always had dreams that came true it didn't happen often like everyday, but I thought nothing of it because I was so young like maybe 5 or 6. I'm now 19 almost 20 I sometimes have these dreams still I know before I used to lucid dream and not all the time but sometimes...

Abilities Are Getting Stronger, What's Is Happening? by helenlove872

I am 18 years old, and for all my life, basically I have been able to feel energy. Between my hands, in the air, off of other people, and when I say feel. I mean like physically feel, like as if the energy is a substance and I am touching it. Not only can I feel it, but I can give off my own energy,...

Haunted By A Spirit by Shenaynay

Ever since I can remember, the paranormal seems to have been a part of my life. Now, my background: My father is "normal" meaning he does not have any affiliation with the paranormal, my mother on the other hand was a kind of psychic (she had dreams where she saw some people dressed in black and the...

Do I Have A Gift Or Is It Just In My Head? by Capricorn28

I want to start off by saying I'm sorry if this seems very scattered. I'm just trying to give as much information that may matter in helping me. Ever since I was around 3, dragon flies would fly right in front of my face and just hover there for awhile. Everyone has always told me or my mom that...

Spirit In The Bathroom by laurencat

Earlier today I was doing dishes and cleaning up the house to a degree. I then had to use the bathroom. When I went into the bathroom, I did my business and washed my hands like any other person. When I walked passed the mirror, I heard a quiet voice say "helloooooo." The voice was sweet and seemed ...

Black Mass In Corner Of Bedroom Moved by shewhosees

Moved into this house almost 2 years ago. For months I have been seeing a black mass in the corner of our bedroom. I wake up at similar times late at night and there it is. It doesn't appear to move. Does not talk. Does not make a sound, or nothing that I can hear. Sometimes it glows. I just feel un...

Visual Phenomena, Orbs, Entities And Interactions by in_awe

I'm 30 and have been obsessed with spiritual dimensions for the past 5 years after my first LSD trip expanded my reality. For the past six months I have been trying hard to open my third eye via intention, diet, detoxification, meditation, entheogens, acupuncture... Needless to say, it's working! I ...

Fae? Norse God? by Hashkav

Yesterday, I communed with a greenish/bluish faerie for the first time. I was venting to it, talking about how I felt as if I lost hope in the magic left on earth and the gods. It communicated through thought, It had said, "Valkiyre. " A Valkiyre is a Norse war woman, who decides if a soldier liv...

Bright White Light When Woken Up by caitlynm

I'm not sure exactly what happened and I wouldn't exactly say this is like a psychic thing, but I was trying to fall asleep last night and you know that feeling you get when you're about to fall asleep and you feel like you're falling? Well I felt like that and of course it woke me up and I felt lik...

Psychic Experience Beginner by Reikoblanch

I've always known I had psychic ability, but never thought to develope it. I definitely know and proven that some of my dreams later happen. Anyways my experience was this: I recently broke up with my boyfriend. I've had psychics tell me that he will be returning to the area. I've asked the unive...

I Might Be A Healer Someday. by laurencat

I was celebrating my brother's and Nephew's birthday today. A storm came through scared the dogs to death. The name of one of the dogs is Maggie. I am not huge dog person at all. This dog keeps jumping on me over and over again even though I have pushed her down multiple times. I go over to sit on t...

Being An Empath/medium? by Maegaroo

I dearly hope that someone takes the time to read my story. My name Maegan and I'm 20 years old from Kentucky. I think I have a gift (more than one) but for some reason I can't stop denying it. I was hoping someone could shed a little light on my situation. I started out having dreams about my f...

Hearing Was Muted During Conversation by Lisabirdy

Recently, I have been calling on the archangels and when I do I experience ringing in my ears or chills all over my body however I had an unusual experience while giving advice to a friend. We were discussing lower energies that like to hang around for the drama of ones lifestyle. My friend feels he...

Foreign Language While Awake by Ravenscar

For a while now, I've been experiencing this weird foreign language thing. The closest I could get to an answer was sleep talking, but I'm wide awake and have expressed actual things through this. I don't know what it is or how it's happening, but it doesn't feel like gibberish. It sounds so foreign...

The Story Of My Uncle by pa_empath

This is probably going to seem very confusing and absolutely impossible. I've mentioned before that I have an uncle, Chris, and he died when he was 14 when he was hit by a drunk driver on the side of the road. I'll give you a bit of back story before I get to the point. As a child, I was always cal...

I Think I've Already Met My Future Boyfriend 2 by youngblood13

I wrote a blog entry before this discussing meeting my potential boyfriend. I was told by a psychic two years ago that I would have a boyfriend my second or third year of college and that he was going to go after me. Then a few months later she was able to tell me his name and that it would be my se...

Creativity Along The Way by Magickyg413

For the past few months, I have been receiving clairvoyant images of new ideas, hearing new music in my dreams and so forth. I never knew my creativity would go this far. I never knew how to use it if I don't really know how to do this. Like for example, I had dreams where music plays, but nobod...

Physical Pain, And Forced Out Of A Dream. What's Happening? by Concerned_Princess

I have no idea what just happened to me but I am really scared. It happened while I was asleep and a little while after. I am a lucid dreamer (among other abilities). I cannot quite control my dreams consistently, but I can sometimes. The one thing that has always been guaranteed is that I always ...

Pinpricks Of Light Floating Around by lillicus-bleume

I've been seeing pinpricks of light my whole life, but nobody has ever explained them to me. They are always small-- when I was younger, I believed them to be fairies. Most of the time they are colored, but whenever I walk outside they bleach to white and begin to disperse into the atmosphere. I'm a...

Premonitions And Apparitions by PsuedoPsycho

Ever since I was little, I've had déjà vu. I would dream about something and later, I would see it in real life. For example, I once had a dream that I was in my cousin's swimming pool and I saw a girl in a cheetah print bathing suit. A while later, I was in my cousin's swimming pool and I saw tha...

A Spirit Watching Me by laurencat

For the past couple of weeks since I had experiences regarding paralysis, I have noticed that I have been getting the feeling that I am being watched. There is always this air that is behind me. This happens at nighttime for the most part. The feeling of being watched has happened during the day, bu...

The Bridge To My Dreams by iAmNotPsychic

This is not a reoccurring dream, the Bridge keeps appearing in my dreams. Whenever I am traveling in my dream in between cities or states or just driving down the road. I've crossed this same Bridge about 20 times and it never changes. Approaching from one direction it has 8 lanes going one way whic...

Going Through Awakening And Seeking Mentor by CapricornLight

I have been an intuitive all my life. I always been able to read energy very clearly. And often times I can finish someone's sentence or tell them what they are about to say or do. Or what they have been doing. Or if they're lying. I've been able to do this my whole life. Up until a couple of years ...

World War 3 Dreams Continued by carri

It was a hot spring night. I had just got home from work. I put on the air conditioner on. Oden my dog panted. Oden started to whine to go outside. The poor dog had been locked up for 10 hours. I looked at the thermometer it said 76 degrees. I put my black German Sheppard Oden outside to cool him of...

Biokinesis And Similar Abilitys by Xarath

First of all, I am 15 (Almost 16), I have posted my experiences on here before, but I have grown a lot sense then, along with gained more ability's. I have a few questions, ill ask them before I get into my experiences for the past month or two, first of all I need tips, or any advice on how to furt...

The Hat Man by Amyp

When I was younger around 8 I was having a friend stay the night. We were sleeping on the floor. I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw a man standing next to me. He was very tall and he I couldn't make out his features. He was like a black shadow but I could make out his shape clearly. I co...

Black Orb by Nepheara

Orbs. Where do I even start. I see them every single day. Tons of them, in a rainbow of colors and brightness. They are like flies or something else that buzzes about the air. Constantly whizzing by my face, across the room, through doors and walls, even through people. They are the same as backgrou...

Awakening & Wanting Mentor by paradroid

Unsure where to start. I have been having psychic experiences throughout my life, however as I got older I repressed them because I saw things that scared me. I've always been a strong dreamer and this seems to be my strongest gift. As of late, my gifts seem to be coming back. About a month ago, ...

Visions And Dreams by arrowandnatalie

All of the time I am constantly remembering what I have dreamed about by receiving visions when the event I dreamed about occurs. This happens all the time. Then when the event occurs I have a vision of what else happens during the event. I have had this gift for it seems like forever and have loved...

Veil Over Third Eye? by confused--soul

First off, a little bit about myself. (Also, I apologize if this is rather scrambled, my mind tends to wander and jump around quite often.) I am 23, a Reiki Level II practitioner, I am a very weak Empath, and I am currently struggling with my abilities. I have been going through another healing ...

Telepathically Receiving My Mothers Thoughts/sentenses by Lilyhorn

The past 2 in a half years I have & am becoming more spiritually awakened every single day. Each day I receive some type of message or sign from the universe or God. Usually the Law of Attraction is the most common & easiest gift to receive. It was one of the first things I began to understand and r...

Awakening Fears And Excitement by Seeker9

As a young child between 3-7yrs I have experienced several things that I could not understand and was shunned for mentioning. Seeing bright colors moving around my line of sight, experiencing levitation, seeing spirits, and just knowing things before they happen. After age 7 I lost all these things ...

Confirmation by Nepheara

This will likely be a bit shorter than my other submissions, and the purpose is to ask a question that will hopefully lead to some understanding or connection on my part, that I am not alone in this. Let me start off by giving a bit of a story to help explain my point of view. In case you ha...

A Clair by Lilyhorn

Short and simple. I am a very intuitive psychic who has had strong abilities since I was born. It wasn't until my 12th grade in high school, when I started to realize how powerful my abilities are. I was driving to class and when I was approaching a street light that was green and I had a genera...

Confused About Visions About Life by ConfusedGuy

I want to start off by saying hopefully someone reads this and responds cause I am very confused about this. I don't know when my visions started but I have always been different. I am very weird and I don't know if what I saw is a vision or me being stupid. About 2 weeks after turning 16 I had ...

Afterlife by KayTee

The other night, I woke up after experiencing a vivid dream. Yeah, I know, I just keep returning to my dream during the waking hours. I had a conversation in my dream with a young male spirit, who had passed away many years ago. He claimed to be a teacher of those who recently had passed away. He st...

Black Flaming Arms by Arms_of_Black

A while ago my brother gave me a sword he bought from a guy who worked with a psychic, and I hadn't really touched it until a few weeks ago. He brought it in a wrap that I thought was just so he could transport it without causing a problem, but when I took it out and held it my arms seemed to burst ...

Ouija Sister by Nepheara

My sister, 11 years old at the time, claims to have had this experience back in 1991 - my birth year - and according to her it has everything to do with me even though I didn't quite exist yet. This is a very sensitive story for me. It is almost (mentally) abusive in nature, so please take cauti...

Two Spirits During Sleep Paralysis by laurencat

I have been having sleep paralysis issues for the past two and half weeks or so. The first experience I had with sleep paralysis was at night. I had a dream that I was outside in the hallway next to my room. The suddenly, I found myself actually in my room. Everything looked rather normal. Nothing s...

Learning In My Journey by empathdreamer

My story happened several months ago. When I say several months ago, I mean having to do with dreams, a nightmare and when I awake every night seeing things. I am an empath, (feel people's energy around me) I am "sensitive" to ghosts and spirits. I used to only hear and feel them, (now I also see th...

Losing My Psychic Abilities To Prozac?! by almbookbuyer

I was born into a family with a history of believers. My grandfather was psychic (although I don't know exactly how since I didn't find out until after he died) and my mother has had a couple of experiences herself. When I was younger, I had psychic experiences and medium experiences every day, b...

Dreams Related To Real Events And Other Occurances by Nursemfisher

I feel like I need to share this. Sorry if it's really long but this explains a lot of what I go through. I don't share this information with many people. Ever since I was little I've been having dreams of things that happen. I've lost things before and looked everywhere to find them only to hav...

Am I Feeling Entities Of Some Kind In My Presence? by Shelly_326

I met up with this guy, a blind date, of sorts and we got to talking about religion, our personal beliefs and experiences. Well, I had been standing up (we met up at a park) he had been sitting on a picnic bench. I finally got tired of standing (we had been talking about three hours at this point) a...

About Me/ White Dots & Burning Sensation By Third Eye by houseofgiantflowers

First, I will start off with my background and about my abilities. I had severe depression with PTSD as well as anxiety, which drew me to really work on myself. My whole life I thought I was crazy with all the "coincidences" and psychic encounters I witnessed because when I would ask someone, the...

The Mystery Of The Missing Toilet Paper by Nepheara

I have been psychic my whole life. More specifically I am what you call clairvoyant, among other things. I can see, hear and speak with spirits. I do this on a daily bases, so it is a common occurrence for me to meet a "new buddy" in the most random of places. It's like I am a beacon for spirits...

No Guardian? by Arcuslux

My name is Arcuslux. I am a Dreamweaver (creator type spirit) and wander spirit of a great vibration. As far back as I can remember, I was born to this earth to watch over dreams of others. I, as a dream weaver am able to go into a dream and weave a part to show a small image of it. It's very powerf...

Trapped Within My Dream by Aiore

Lately I haven't dreamed as much as I did or wake up around 3 am like I have been doing. I also have not felt anything near me or hear anything from what I have believed to be my guide. This is somewhat alarming as I am new to these gifts and as I am 30 I feel I am behind as it is already in underst...

Lock Pick? by Nepheara

I have always been kind of different in contrast to my friends or family. I have been able to see, feel and hear spirits from a young age. These particular gifts made my parents uncomfortable I guess, and because of that I never really had much of a support system with these kinds of issues. So ...

Spirit Encounters Increase by imane_bahanni21

I have had many encounters with "spirits" as my friends call them. The first time I saw one was when I was at my cousin's house. I was asleep next to my mom when I woke up for no reason but when I did I had chills down my back. I looked up in front of me to see a big black dog with red eyes staring ...

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