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Psychic Experiences from Tennessee, United States: Page 1
My Eyes Burn All The Time by highluvlight
I was just hoping to get some clarity on this because I can't find any direct answers on the internet. Ever since my clairvoyant abilities started to flare up the beginning of this year, I've noticed that my eyes consistently feel dry and feel like they're burning, which ends up making me feel reall...
Help With Protection From Astral Parasites And Spiders by hopkinsrply
I have awakened a few times during the night to see Astral spiders near my head. It's very disconcerting and nothing I did distracted them from what seemed to be their purpose. I awoke feeling drained and with a headache. I have read that they are energy vampires. How can I combat these parasite...
Empath / Medium by Hope8
I have been able to see, hear and feel things that are not easily explained since I was young. There has always been spiritual activity around me. However, I was raised in a very religious home that didn't believe in such things, so for the most part I never talked about them. Now I'm feeling like t...
I Am Confused On What To Do by nicksights
I have done research, but I barley have any answers. Some information about me: I have been in six different facilities, recently got out of one, my diagnosis is always the same, Major Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and psychotic features, like hearing and seeing things. Though a few years back, I went ...
Am I Seeing My Future Children? by lillacstones
Let me start off this story by saying I've never been pregnant or even intimate with anyone. In fact, I'm only 18 and I've never experienced anything like this. It started about three years ago when a friend of mine had asked me a question along the lines of "Where do you see yourself in 10 year...
Paintings Can Be Portals by Jazminerose
A couple of weeks ago, my husband called me into his office to show me something that he seemed pleased about. That's not a common theme, he's typically quite negative. Actually, he blows negative energy like a Chicago smoke stack. Going into that office is not my favorite thing. It's horribly cl...
Spirit Projecting Through Me by taylorms_
My boyfriend recently lost his father on Christmas Day. It was very tragic and he's broken up about it obviously. He knew I could do "weird things" so he asked last night while we were laying in bed if he could talk to his dad because he wanted to ask him questions. Beforehand, on Christmas Day when...
Unsure Of Abilities by Lewisam4
I have always been drawn to the paranormal. At 7 I was making pretend psychic predictions on the playground. At 12 I was on the streets of Charleston for a ghost walk. The pull only progressed from there. As I got older, I noticed that I did not quite fit in and preferred to be alone. I started to d...
Story 1: Photographic Memory by Paradox8089
I have photographic memory. I can tell a person exactly where to find an item, if it has not been moved since I last saw it. That's seems to be the normal part of it. The part I find odd and a little exciting is that I can rewind back almost 2 full days to locate something I'm looking for. Yesterday...
Problems With Psychic Talents & Astral Projection by Lyric_Branson
I require some advice with my talents. So far, I do know I have Empathy and some form of telepathy between close family and friends. But as of late, I have been having trouble with Astral Projection. I have been doing this; -Relaxing in bed, feeling comfortabe -Clearing my mind, and getting into...
Spirit Crow/raven by Lana74
For the past three months I have been taking nightly walks at the park for exercise and to just gaze at the night sky and every night I went on these walks I keep seeing either a crow or a raven taking off and flying over me just out of the side of my eye. Sometimes, I even see a Crow/Raven perched ...
Psychic Dreams/prediction Type Happenings by __Vixen__
When I was in 7th grade, I had a dream my best friend would wear bright blue eyeshadow the next day. The dream took place in the classroom as well. I know, not really that amazing, but she never wore makeup back then and then the next day she did so I freaked out telling her about my dream. Next,...
My Husband Dreamed Of The Wtc Attacks, 5 Days Beforehand by p_padilla
My husband, who I will refer to as "Paul" (not his real name), had a vivid dream/premonition of the 9/11 destruction of the WTC towers, but I did not learn of it until after the events, which I will explain. At the time, Paul and I had been married for less than six weeks and were living in easte...
He Keeps Visiting I Feel Safe by Pandora_Rose
I need help understanding what's going on. At night I feel as if there is someone hovering over. I will be a sleep then I pull myself up to consusness. And I will feel someone next to me. They will move on top of me to hover. I will feel lips attached themselves to mine and move. My body feels warm ...
Scared Of What I Can't See by Confusedwoman
I'm a skeptic. I've never believed in ghosts or spirits. Recently, my thoughts are confused. My first experience was when my husband saw a figure above me but I couldn't see it. The dog was growling and barking also. Then I saw a black shadow floating on my bedroom ceiling. My dog started growling t...
Seeing And Feeling Things by lec101812
It begin a few years back. A guy known had been found dead. Everyone said he shot himself, others blame it on someone else. I had nightmares of this person for weeks. I couldn't sleep, everytime I tried it's all I seen. It's like I was witnessing what took place. This guy's mom talked to me not to l...
Taking On My Son's Injury As It Happened by Abbieleigh1189
I am still processing and am so thankful to find this site in order to share such an experience. I was picking my son up from daycare and went into his class to kind of play with him and gather his belongings like I always do, a soft exit if you will. I was on the ground with him, next to the small ...
Who Are You? Why Are You Here In My Meditation? by PristineChristine
I'm Christine and I made this account just to ask this. Today I did a guided hypnosis meditation for the first time on ridding the subconscience of negativity. Well, I while I was pretty much at the end of the session, I imagined myself opening my eyes to a black, tall skinny figure starring, ...
Am I Just Paranoid? by classylife2313
I strongly believe in the paranormal- I have always had an extremely opened mind and accepted or disbanded occurances only after they've been proven true or false; but I don't know about myself. My whole life I've accepted that I feel things differently than others. My aunt says I'm empathic but...
My Father's Death by javousaime
I dreamed my father came to visit me and told me it was his time to go. He asked if I was ready, I yelled at him no. He laughed and said goodbye. I woke up from a phone call from my mother at 5 am. She told me to put my shoes on and she was coming for me. She told me my father passed away. I wish I ...
Premonitions Of Past And Future by Angeliclove
I never thought all of my scary or unexplainable dreams or sittings of spirits or even feelings of energies would lead me to be the person I am. Sometimes I feel really scared And misunderstand what I'm seeing. For example, I was in a old jail and had seen horrible things and could actually feel thi...
Trying To Understand by kimela
One of my first experiences was when I was very young. I was walking in the desert and came accost a small bush. On that bush were 50 to 60 June bugs. The problem was that they should not have been alive. They had holes in their bodies some had no heads but yet they were moving. I was amazed by this...
Vision Of The Past Leading To The Future by H7zAngel
I was walking through the kitchen and I saw a face flash in my eyesight. It was like it projected from my mind out to where I could really see it. Like I was dreaming. I saw my youngest daughter's face and than I saw her in Traditional Korean Wedding Clothes. I saw her marrying a Korean Nobleman of ...
Dec 12 1965 by steffi89
I was six at the time, and at home with a cold. I was very close to my father that I knew his energy. On this day I was sleep I could sense fear, struggle, and pain, I was held down I couldn't get up or open my eyes. I then felt outside of my body I could see everything going on at that moment or it...
I Have Psychic Experiences Yet No Control Thereof by N0menNesci0
I am confident that there have been strong psychic workings in my life. However, I am less confident that I myself am actually psychic. I am inclined to believe that I am, but given my current state I find it hard to truly be sure of anything. At this point I am not well and I have been in a very st...
Dreams Related To Real Events And Other Occurances by Nursemfisher
I feel like I need to share this. Sorry if it's really long but this explains a lot of what I go through. I don't share this information with many people. Ever since I was little I've been having dreams of things that happen. I've lost things before and looked everywhere to find them only to hav...
Spirit Encounters Increase by imane_bahanni21
I have had many encounters with "spirits" as my friends call them. The first time I saw one was when I was at my cousin's house. I was asleep next to my mom when I woke up for no reason but when I did I had chills down my back. I looked up in front of me to see a big black dog with red eyes staring ...
Near Death by undercurrent
I almost died Tuesday, no exaggeration, I was literally bleeding to death. It was an accident, and I didn't realize at first how bad it was, it felt so surreal. You may chalk it up to being in shock, but I wasn't, I was calm, collected. On the way to the hospital I watched a pool of crimson collect ...
Hot Fingers, Cold Body? by Jenny95
This is my first post, I'm trying to find answers for an experience I had a few days ago. My name is Jenny, I'm 20 years old. I've always been really sensitive to spirits around me but I can't usually see them or hear them, I can only feel them and they can project their emotions into me and make me...
My Multiple Psychic Experiences by Christylee71
At age 8, I had just laid down in my bed and looked to the left and saw a little girl in a white gown glowing. This was my first experience and I closed my eyes, made a cross with my fingers and started praying. I opened my eyes and she was gone. After that experience, I started hearing voices but n...
My Psychic? Experience by knicole12
A few things started when I was young, in the third grade is the first I can remember. I was in lunch, and had felt like someone was going to take my cookie off of my tray. I turned around to talk to someone and turned back around to find that someone had taken it off my tray. I looked around, no on...
Disturbing Experience After Opening My Third Eye by Smarsh
I suppose I've always been able to sense ghosts. I spent years feeling like I wasn't alone. I felt like I was being watched. Every now and then, I'd see a shadowy figure in the corner of my eye. Being as that I was close-minded, I pushed it off as paranoia. Fast forward a few years, and I found myse...
As A Child, I Experienced Things I Can't Explain by Intuzi
As a child I have seen many strange things. Most of which allude to the future but some do so to the past as well so I'll just give you some examples. Celebrities would visit me in my dreams and they would teach me all about their trade. The next day, they would pass away. I only remember one oc...
Greetings, I Am Looking For Help by Bmed321
For the past two years of my life I have had an increasing difficulty with not taking energy from other people, and there is no reason for me to do so because I am young, healthy, and have a lot going for me in life, and I am not depressed. But I think I have picked up an astral parasite somehow whe...
Electricity And Me by Roxanne1106
over 10 years ago I was in my twenties and out on my own for the first time. I lived alone and honestly, I was scared of the dark and frightened to be alone. This is probably because I lived across the street from a cemetery where my Dad and his parents are buried. They had all died a very long time...
Premonition Of My Own Death? by rigormortisgirl
At the opening of this year, I could feel things that were upcoming for me in this year. I felt like this would be my last year here as in on this Earth and I felt that strongly on new years. I have predicted deaths of others before but it just was feeling of death and death feels very strong, relen...
Seeking Deja Vu Input From The Old Pros by Abre
Glad I found this site. For the sake of time, I'm bypassing my backstory. That's another story for another day. Here's where I am now: I experience premonition "guidance" through deja vu and anxiety. The deja vu events are not significant. Very mundane occurrences. It acts more as an earl...
New Things For Me by xx_raindrop_xx
It has freaked me out how much things have changed for me over the past few months. I feel that my Psychic Abilities and experiences have grown. During my school year, I have dreamed of the day. Everything happens no matter if I try and stop it or alter the way it occurs. Time still runs on with out...
An Ancient Soul by Artistic-Dreamer
As I've come to realize over my past few years, I'm an old soul. I use 'old soul' in terms of hundreds of lives. Even at my young at I've come to terms with the fact that I'm here to work, and not to play. Considering this, I'm not required on this planet anymore, but I instead volunteered for this ...
Medium Dealing With Skeptical Husband by arhea73
Since I was a child, I've been able to sense or feel spirits. There have been some experiences that I was frightened of, as well as some I chose to ignore, but after having several Reiki sessions throughout the years I'm no longer able to turn a blind eye to these experiences. I've finally realized ...
Life Thus Far by Artistic-Dreamer
Seeing as this is my first story on here, I'll post about my childhood. As a child, I was always able to speak to my spirit guide, Utheria (I don't believe I'm spelling her name right, sadly). She would tell me if it was going to be a good or bad day, and what kind of this were going to happen. I wa...
Far-seeing My Distant Future Lives by truzzyx
I have been growing up over the past two decades (am turning 21 in a few days) and It's been rough adjusting to life and dealing with the problems that everyone has and the ones that everyone makes however recently my dreams and my waking life have started to bend into each other and I can recall my...
Broken Chains Of Influence by DJ17
For almost a year now I've working hard to develop my psychic abilities. I can use voluntary Intuition, psychic shielding, and chakra healing. I had noticed for a while that while I was able to block outside influence but I still felt feelings holding me back from properly practicing. After looki...
What Am I? In The Supernatural Sense by RCalvin
I guess it started when I was about 10 or 11, I was able to feel the emotions of people in a room. I remember the first time it happened, one of my distant cousins died, and I went to the mourning family's home, and it hit me like a wall. All the emotions in one place, confusion, hurt, sadness, depr...
View Of The 1500's by knife
good day to all. 30 years ago, I was swimming in the Atlantic Ocean, not far from where I lived. Normally, when a person steps on something hard on the ocean floor, it is quickly dismissed as a shell or rock and they get off of it as quickly as possible so they do not cut themselves. This was d...
Tractor Trailer Nightmare-highway Of Death by David_Pack
Leading up to this time-travel dream, the following events came to pass. My friend Carl was getting married and I was living in Los Angeles at the time sometime around Spring of 1984 if memory serves. He wanted me to come back East to be his best man at the wedding. I left Los Angeles and spent a we...
Psychic Awakening Over Time? by DJ17
For a long time in my life I did not truly believe in psychic powers. Ironically, I felt fascinated by them and had a great desire to experience them ever since I was a child. In truth it has been less than a year since I've given any proper thought to what has happened to me. Looking back now, I fe...
There's Being Sensitive Then There's Being Stupid by Archico
Realizing that you've lost control of a situation you thought was safe months too late is a very scary thing. Spending time with my cousin was always an awesome thing. She's 6 years older, psychically sensitive also, a Leo like me and fun. We could snap to the same wavelength in an instant. I was 1...
Black Drake Of My Dreams. Be Gone by Archico
The earliest ability that I am aware of having was the ability to will control over my dreams. I believe that through hereditary I am predisposed to being closer to my 6th sense but I also attribute it to assuming a meditative state before bed every night. It's good to go to bed before the day has a...
The Remaining Aura by Archico
Since the site doesn't want me to begin with a greeting, I'll dispense with the formalities...not! Hello! God bless you and keep you well today, dear reader! This is an account of an instance at the peak of my aura-seeing days. The ability has gone now, probably due to some block that doesn't want...
Help Shadow People Is To Playful And Sexually Aggressive by clarissajackson
I live in a apartment and ever since I moved in 3 weeks ago. I asked for help but I had to share this. Ever since I moved in I felt so much sexual aggressive and messing with things in my home that I didn't touch. Me and my daughter which is 4 years old so tell me when I get home things are differen...
I Had A Flying Dream Or Was It A Obe? by clarissajackson
One day I was in my room looking out the window just yearning to climb my window push the ceiling up and take off flying. I had plenty of dreams where I. Was flying but this one felt strange. Ok it was about 5 or 6 in the morning when I had this Experience. It started out with me and my mother argui...
Unusual Lifetime Experiences. Do I Have Abilities? by lauraleighangel
Just came upon your site and thought I would see if anyone can provide help. I have experienced strange psychic phenomena all my life, starting in childhood. I "saw" my brother after he died, sat in the kitchen and looked up at the cabinets, then they all opened and slammed shut. Almost every house ...
Opening Of The Chird Eye Stories by ciretee
I have been practicing the art of meditation for a few months now and as of late I am noticing some new things. Lately I have started to have more visions. I am clairvoyant and see images from spirit in my mind's eye. Before meditation I would only see images now and then especially the faces of spi...
The Haunting And The Other Me by _jasmine_
I have been through many experiences relating to the "special" ability of the unknowing. It is unknown to me because I am not sure if I am gifted with such ability, or if "mental illness" which runs through my family, happens to be in my standards. When I was a child, I was diagnosed with ADD. I...
Can You Push Away Psychic Abilities? by bonezillion
When I was very young, I remember seeing seeing "spirits" or silhouettes. A famous one was a cowboy. He would lay across my desk at night with his head propped up by his arm and just stare at me (the desk was in front of my bed). Even though it was completely dark in the house, I could see him...
Two Halves Of One Soul? by Lumberjack787
Last summer I went on a church youth trip to the Cleveland, OH area (i'm a theist, which means I believe in a higher power but not a certain religion, but was forced to go regardless) while we were there I had a "sleep-walking" incident. Third night in, I got out of my bed in my sleep, ran and jumpe...
Unknown Little Girl Another State Of Mind Sleep Paralysis by clarissajackson
One day during the day morning hours me and my daughter who was a baby at that time was home alone. Everybody was gone and my baby was sleep, so I got on my laptop then got done and my tv was on and judge joe brown was on and my door to my bedroom was open. Now here's the strange part. I decided...
What Are My Eyes Seeing by clarissajackson
I had a strange experience and now I see it a lot mostly out one or the other eye. Anyway, I was in my room and I had a little light shining in the window really don't matter because I can see it in the day or night. I was sitting in my room just staring at the wall and I realized I was seeing more ...
Giant Sedona Vortex: Incident At Black Rock by David_Pack
The biggest Vortex in Sedona, AZ is not on the Earth, but above it! My Out-of-Body experience in Sedona happened on a warm Fall afternoon as I was resting in the sun atop a small mesa after an exhausting hike to the top. The year was 1977, the month October, and the day Halloween. My friend George w...
Premonition Maybe? by jkerry1975
It's real simple. All my life I have been able to be in the same place twice, if this makes sense. I can go to the beach or to the store and I have experienced that I have been there and done the very same thing. I was in the living room in the year 2006 and had a feeling of dread and I told my husb...
Astral Hitchhiker by barry2962
I have been consciously astral projecting for a while now, but lately I feel like something is trying to keep me bound to my body. After I have been asleep for about an hour, I feel like something touches me, and then I wake up. When I wake up, I look up and see this "man of war" jellyfish-looking e...
Spirits Trying To Talk To Me And I Need Advice by chrisrankin03
I have for some reason throughout my life since a young boy have attracted spirits and for the last year it has recently picked up a lot. My grandfather passed almost a year ago and suddenly there is something waking me up every night. Weather it was moving thing snapping fingers loudly or foot step...
I Keep Seeing The Same Man And I Don't Know Why by Mamado5
Ever since I was little I have seen the same man over and over again, at first it was very rare to see him. He never speaks and never moves he just stands and stares. I sometimes can't help but think I'm going crazy. As I got older I began to see this man more and more but my memory of his appearanc...
I Think I Channeled My Brother. How Do I Handle This Anger? by Melanierichardson
The other day, I was missing my brother really bad. I blame my sister for his murder and I cannot seem to get past it. Well, I slept in his shirt hoping to dream of him. It's been so long since he has screamed my name and woke me up or visited me in my dreams. He has been gone for over 9 years. Anyw...
Existing In Two Places At The Same Time by oddlyme2
I have been having experiences of being in more than one place in more than one time period. I feel like only a small part of me is left in the physical world as I experience or watch events in different time periods. I find that I am aware of my physical self and must manage everyday tasks. I hear ...
I Know I'm Different, But Don't Know What I Am by newgirl1215
I'm 22 years old and I feel like I have many psychic abilities. I want peoples advice to tell me what I could be. Well first thing I have had happen is when I was around the age of 12 my cousin and I were playing in the house and I had this gut feeling that over whelmed me, and I told her Lucy (her ...
How Can I Develop My Medium Abilities? by benitezd777
I sent a previous account of my experiences, and now that I am aware that I am not crazy, I realize that my anxiety of being around a lot of people is not because I'm claustrophobic but because I am reading their energies. I need to develop my abilities so that I may be able to control my energy rea...
I Mind Melded With Sarek Of Vulcan by David_Pack
On a late Friday afternoon in the summer of 1989, I drove into the Holiday Inn parking lot in West Knoxville and made my way to the Star Trek Convention meeting hall to hear my favorite Star Trek actor, Mark Lenard. He was about to speak and the lecture hall was standing room only as I made my way t...
Am I Psychic, A Medium Or Crazy? by benitezd777
About ten years ago when I was eleven I saw a shadowy death looking figure near the end of my bed. I knew someone was going to die, as I was running to tell my mother that I saw something she got a call that my great grandmother had just died. My mother came to America when she was about twelve year...
Developing A Psychic Bond With My Friend? by simplyregina
I think that my friend and I have a special bond together that goes beyond the basic senses. I would like to know: 1) if this bond really is something special? 2) how to make it stronger? 3) why don't I have this bond with anyone else? To start off he is my best friend but also my ex boyfriend...
I Really Need Some Advice On My Premonitions by pastelpinkpisces
I have been had different experiences throughout my whole life involving what I would like to think as physic abilities. One experience though, in particular, has been catching my attention for almost five years now. It started when I began to have premonitions of a tall figure who only appeared to ...
I've Had Dreams And Premonitions Most Of My Life That Have Come True by whyme24
I don't know much about being psychic. I just know I've had dreams and premonitions most of my life that have come true. I'm not sure you would call these premonitions, maybe it was just coincidence. To give some examples: When I was around 10 or 11, my brother kind of got himself into a little t...
Dreams And Thoughts That Seem To Come True by Neptune
First of all, I do not know much about psychics and do not either believe or disbelieve in the paranormal, but have an open mind and am willing to listen to both sides. I used to be very skeptical about psychics and the supernatural, but recent experiences have made me become more open minded, altho...
Young And Clairvoyant by lemonberry97
My Grandmother has the abilities to predict happenings in her dreams, and has claimed to pass it to me. I have the ability to communicate with the paranormal. I can see where there is room for doubt, as I am only fourteen and my peers have given teenagers an undesirable stereotype. I assure you, I o...
Seeing People, Prophetic Feelings. In Need Of Answers by VL
I want to keep this brief, as I'm looking for answers. I need to know if I'm going through the beginning stages of a neurological condition, or if I'm actually having genuine psychic experiences. It's gotten to the point where I'm starting to become afraid. This all started with my grandmother's ...
I Think I Am Psychic, I Am Afraid by bren89
I have come to believe that I possess some sort of psychic ability. Since I was young I would find myself having visions such as reaching into a cupboard full of all kinds of different glasses, having the vision of a glass with a chip in it, and pulling out that same glass. My dad was gambling one d...
Contacted By A Spirit by touchthesun
Throughout my lifetime I have always experienced little things that some people consider odd, including myself. I have always had dreams, or thoughts that seemed to come true. Along with that, I am like a human lie detector. For some reason, I just knew things, but especially when someone was lying ...
My Intuition Is Extremely Strong by gothicmama
This is something I've experienced my entire life and never questioned: my intuition is extremely strong - so much so that I'm not sure it's only intuition. Premonition is a closer word for it, as the things I "know" are things I shouldn't be ABLE to know. I am almost never wrong about these things....
Perceptions by SilverSaphire
Growing up with the ability to see things has always been a silent topic for me. The times I have thought to brought it up, I was more or less ostracized and deemed crazy. It started when I was 5 with the ability to see those of the paranormal. Then as I got older I also developed to the ability to ...
An Empath by JustInCase
So this morning it had literally felt like someone punched me in the stomach only to find out my friend was irritated. Then yesterday it felt like someone was watching me and following me by no one was there. Also it felt like someone was touching me I felt nervous and cold. When I got off of my bed...
Teleportation by barry2962
I know most of you have probably seen the movie "Jumper". It is one of my favorites. The part that fascinated me the most was that they could "jump" objects as well as themselves. Hence begins my story... My name is Barry. When this story happened, I was a security guard and worked 3rd shifts in Jas...
I Can Tell Things Before They Happen, I Think by Trizzy
Since I was in elementary school I could see things before they happen, just simple things though like a show coming on TV days before it came on down to the exact episode, my phone ringing minutes before it actually rang and once I saw the release date to a video game that never existed yet. Th...
Do I Have My Grandmother's Abilities by AstrangerTruth
Ever since I was young, I have had sense of seeing things play out in my dreams at night and even when I would daydream I guess you could say. What I would see would also happen within the week. This became an almost everyday occurrence. Later I found out that my father's mother had these abilities ...
Is This Real Or Inside Of My Head? by BeautyDawned444
I think I may be gifted. I've had paranormal experiences on and off since I was very young. I've seen spirits, heard spirits' voices. I've had them get physical before. At times, I only feel a presence. Other times it's a flash of an image, word, feeling, or thought. I can pick up on things about th...
I'm In A Psychic Block by WillowTree
Alright, so I'm in the middle of a mental block. I have no idea how to turn my abilities back on, or how to open up again, and it's freaking me out. I feel like I'm stuck. I'm 15 years old, my name is Willow. I was born on Friday the 13th. Since I was around 4 years old I've had psychic experiences/...
Seeing Faces And Objects Before I Sleep. Need Advice by Stepy
Just within the past year, as I lay down to sleep, I begin to see faces. Usually, if I'm not focusing, they just fly past me. Like a weird movie montage. I have never recognized anyone, or anything. Sometimes I do see objects, like a car, a couch once, etc. I have found that if I focus, like, focus ...
I Am Having Difficulty With Accepting My Gift by tonya
My name is Tonya. I am a 28 year old female. My current occupation is a nurse. There have been several instances that I have experienced as a child and as an adult. These things make me very uncomfortable and uneasy. I'm not exactly sure what to do about them. Can anyone offer me any suggestions? Th...
Ghosts Of Hurricane Mills by bob23193
I am 15 years old and live in AL. My family and I are all big country music fans, but our favorite singer of all times is Loretta Lynn. We decided to take a quick vacation to Hurricane Mills, TN which is where Lynn's ranch is located. We rented one of the 2 story renter homes she had located on the ...
Haunted Room? by Achilles24
I was visiting my dad the other day and we were talking about my sister who had recently visited a medium and was apparently contacted by the spirit of my grandmother. Lo and behold, my sister walked in the door, so I began to pick her brain about the medium experience. Well the conversation strayed...
I Keep Seeing Orbs by ixchel777
I can't take it anymore. I don't know where else to go. I don't believe in this kind of stuff but I keep seeing orbs. Not in videos or photos. I can see them just like... THERE. Everywhere I look, I see them. And there are so many. It's driving me crazy. I'm having other people's dreams. I dream wit...
The Spirit In The Basement by 13dream
For years I have ignored the ability to feel the emotions of persons long gone from this world. I have discounted the overwhelming experiences of anxiety, nausea, anger, and sadness as coincidence, happenstance. Surely there is no such thing as a true sensitive. Empath? Me? Recently these experi...
The Fall Of The Berlin Wall by David_Pack
Back in 1974 I was a 21 year old student at the University of Tennessee and it was a hot afternoon as I stepped into a bar near the college to have a cold beer. I ran into a German friend, older than me, but who had seen the Berlin Wall go up when he lived in Germany. We started talking at the cigar...
I Woke Up From A Dream As It Was Happening by cleveland216
I woke up from a dream about someone shooting. All I could see in my dream was a door that someone was shooting near someone else shoulder. The guy sitting on the couch was wearing an orange plaid shirt being shot at. I couldn't see any faces. I heard a voice saying "a 22". Then someone shot back an...
Visions Of 3 Princesses? by whitewings
When I was a young child my grandmother used to tell me about a legend of 3 sister who had no blood connection, but in spirit they were sisters, 2 of them being twins. The three represented the past, present, and future. The story told that back during the 1400's 3 sister were born to a land where 3...
Could It Be Wings? by whitewings
Greetings all, I am 19 and have always been different I portray many abilities as I soon found out as a child. At 4 I saw my deceased great grandmother and saw absolute truth in the eyes of others, At the age of 5 I saw one of my guardian angels who I came to know as Isabella. I soon began to sin...
The Voice And The Girl by lost-in-my-own-mind
Many strange things have happened to me over my life but two that scare me are the voice and the girl. They seem to be different from other experiences. I will start with the voice because that story is shorter. Everyone knows the feeling of being just between awake and asleep. When you can still h...
Empath Experiencing So Much by DontJudge
I'm 13 and since 4th grade when my parents split up I have been experiencing so much. Only my friend knows (she has esp) I've tried to tell my parents but sadly they don't believe me. My friend also has some of the things I have and shes trying to tell me all this information and sadly I don't under...
Not Human In A Past Life by malconformity
My name is Bella and I've never posted anything like this on anything before. This is about what I think my past life is and what I was. It's pretty unexplainable. Perhaps you guys can make sense of it. Ever since I was very young and able to understand most of the world around me (I'd say about ...
Psychic Dreams? by caylag13
Im 13. You tell me if I am or not a "psychic" I personally believe big on this kind of stuff I've had tons of dreams and vision or what seem to be visions I'm more likely to do all my psychic business during the day. For example, I had a dream that there was 2 people in bed with me and then there wa...
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