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Real Psychic Experiences by chronological order: Page 119
The Aware Child by Historian
In the early 90's my mother and father were clearly toxic for one another. Having said that, my part in their lives as there son was now more then just that. I became the first response to side with the one at risk of death. They would fight to the point of pure rage. Not caring about the consequenc...
Signs Or Just Coincidence by Questionable01
This happened around August September time. My mother passed away, but at the same time I was woke up and felt like something told me to check on her. I went in and found my mother passed away. I can't figure out who or what woke me up to check on her. Since then I've been attacked several times ...
My Life Has Been All About The Weird by Roseanne
I've had several strange experiences in my life. From the time I was a little girl, I've had odd things happen. As a 5 year old, I witnessed objects float across my room. I've felt presences in the basement of my house. As I got older, my intuition became very strong-especially when it came to my mo...
My Spiritual Mission And Aura by healingmama
Recently, I was lead to believe in a spiritual connection with our universe by my Homeopath. So about 2 months ago, I embarked on my spiritual journey (actually it is kind of the second journey) and have continued until now by mostly looking through the Internet. I started looking into the le...
Heartbroken And No One To Share This With by Historian
I have only just started to share my experiences with others and with good reason. What I do on a daily basis for my community is difficult enough. Adding these other senses can make it absolutely unbearable. I work with addicts and alcoholics. I know it's my calling so I cope. Until four days ago. ...
Surrounded By Spirits by Brittaniecarr
I have sight, and I'm an empath, recently have had new issue, I could use some advice on. I'm literally surrounded by dead packed in around me shoulder to shoulder like sardines. I feel heavy anger, pain, and chaos, when I allow them near me. What is this? I do have a sick family member? Is there an...
Palm Reading? by Lyssy26
It all started April 2013. My boyfriend at the time and I were sitting at home and randomly I wanted to hold his hand. I told him " let me see your hand, I want to see if I could read you". I never questioned it before that day it literally came out of nowhere asking. So when we started I held his h...
Hearing Voices Calling Me In The Night by Mayank3102
My name is Mayank and I am 16 yro and I am a hindu and a worshipper of Lord Krishna. I am a childhood devotee but the things that are happening with me since few weeks are really wierd and it never happened before! I am hearing voices coming from the worship place of my house calling my name in the ...
Coincidence Or Soul-mate? by beautifulsoulsista
This is a true experience and I am posting to get more insight from peers. I met him 5 years ago, however, before I met him, I had known his name for years and could never understand why. It's almost like every time I heard his name, some weird or strong feeling would come over me. I met him my fres...
Laughter At Night? by Mbuckler87
Ever since I was a kid I was able to see things and hear things. Sometimes even get imprints off of touching objects. I'm used to that and I'm very good at reading people. I've been that way since I was a toddler. Normally when I move it's calm for a while before everything starts back up. Like if t...
Am I Just Over Thinking? by angelo
For a while now I've just been having weird mini things happen to me. Before I start why I'm not to sure is because my nana has bipolar and dad may have schizophrenia (I've never met him or know anything about him) but my mum said he has something like it from smoking weed. I've always felt differe...
Am I Psychic Or Just Silly? by angelo
I was wondering if people could comment on what happens when your 16 and are a tad psychic? Please don't judge I'm just confused and over think things sometimes or not, that's why I need help:) I'm very good at guessing when someone or thing isn't going to be good or something bad is going to ha...
Psychic Ufo Encounters by barkingmad
I have had 3 encounters with UFOs so far. It all started after I trained as a psychic. I realised these creatures are really smart and know what they are on about. They do all their communication telepathically and psychics can only do this sometimes. I realised these guys are bloody smart. Short...
Music by underourstars
I have had some things happen to me all my life but what I'm wondering about is why after someone dies that I love or a animal I love dies, I hear music in my head, a song comes to me, sometimes when I'm asleep or when I just wake up, its like just pops into my head, it started when my Great Dane Ph...
Why This Again? by violet13
I made this account when I was 15 because I needed explanations on what's going on. I have learned to move on and just ignore some things that are happening or to accept some. I don't remember exactly when I have stopped having weird dreams, seeing things, and feeling like someone is with me. It ...
Sensing That A Loved One Is About To Die by salamander
Twice now, I have had an overwhelming 'spiritual presence' The night before loosing 2 loved ones. The first was my nan, who I was extremely close to. I now realise that she visited me in spirit by an icy cold patch right beside me followed directly by a strong force wind that tore through my home wh...
Psychic-caused Illnesses by pm3000
I had a really hard last 6 years health-wise. Every time I seemed to recover from 1 problem, something else started. Starting in 2012-3, I was unable to walk more than 1 block after being athletic most of my life. (at age 35) There has been some conflict since 2012 going on in my family over my dece...
Love Connection Or Just? Help Me by Seraphina
I get telepathy with people. Like I know what they're going to say, my thoughts always end up influencing the people around me and they end up saying whatever has been running through my consciousness stream or vice versa. Pre cog dreams that take between weeks and months to manifest. Is weird. Also...
Hearing A Sinister Voice by brebella
I am looking to see if anyone can help me explain this matter. Last night, I have awoken at about 1:30 AM. Out of the blue, I started observing the room. After a couple of minutes, I heard a voice clear as day. It sounded like a child's sinister voice whispering loud. Telling me something very distu...
Voices Of A War by Giftedorcursed
My name is Pamela. I am 40 years old and have been in therapy most of my life for having ailments like bipolar, OCD, social anxiety disorder, PTSD, and major depression. So when I went through a bad relationship breakup and had a mental breakdown. It was a bad thing. I started hearing voices. It was...
Restoring Abilities To Full Strength by aliceinwonder
When I was younger I used to see spirits around a lot. As I got a bit older around 6-8 I think I tried shutting it out as one experience really messed me up as I was young and I just didn't want to see this certain spirit anymore. I didn't realize until I got older that I had made so I wasn't seeing...
The Dream That Disappeared by harmonygal94
Ever since I was 12 years old, I would have this dream every once in a while. In the dream, I would wake up in the middle of night and walk towards to my bedroom window which faced the street we lived on. At the corner of the street, there was a light pole that lit up at night. At the bottom of that...
Would You Define This As Psychic? by Anna12546
I've been wanting to share a couple of experiences I've had with my possible psychic abilities. I'm 14 years old and I feel like I just know that I have a special gift. I remember my first experience was when my mom had just bought a new shotgun to use for grouse hunting and she was afraid to be...
Lost My Abilities, Will They Come Back? by daynight
Until the age of twelve I had great abilities that assisted me in my everyday life. My intuition was pretty good for a kid and I could control my dreams when I really tried it was like a video game, some of them turned out to be visions as well maybe 20 a year or so that I clearly recognized othe...
Dreams And Prophesies by Lilstar79
Having a hard time here figuring out where to begin so I guess I'll begin at the at the beginning at the very first experience that I ever had. I was around 7 years old and my mother and I were leaving a concert. It was late so I fell asleep in the front seat with my head laying on her lap. I usua...
I Think My Old Dog Died! by Seneca12
About a year ago I had this lovely dog named Sadie. Sadie was no older than 5 years old, she was a great pyrenees who I rescued from an abusive owner. Sadie would sleep with me every night we went on walks every day and I even trained her with her basic commands. Sadie was the best dog I have had bu...
I Saw An Astral Fireball Which Was A Spirit Of A Little Girl by Mayank3102
On Valentine's Day, I was celebrating with my girlfriend. Me and my friends planned a romantic date for our girlfriends and as I mentioned in the previous story and I was confused and I needed a relaxation to calm my mind so as the Valentine's Day was here it was the great opportunity to calm myself...
Advance Spiritual Awakening by cherib333
My experience has been rather intense. It started with dreaming things and would read about them the next day in the newspaper. I would have prematures while talking to people, thinking of stories involving the person in the back of my head and then days later it will happen. I then started to notic...
Unexplained Instances by Rachel1983
Today I took my two kids out to dinner when we where leaving the restaurant I had seen something thought maybe my mind mind was playing tricks so I try and ignore it then I hear my first name I ignore it as as it's a fairly common first name then I hear my name again and feel a tug at my jacket my k...
Newbie Psychic by LostPuppy
My story begins last last year when I just found out about this psychic abilities stuff. So it all started when my friend and I were watching a basketball game to cheer for our classmates and while watching the game something tells me I've seen it before and that's when I said " I'm having a deja vu...
Sensing Strong Enrgies And Spiritual Contact by ThulsaDune
This Story is about an experience I had with an Angry Spirit. The year was 1992 in the month of June. I have dealt with many different things and energies since the age of 4 years old. I have learned to just accept my gifts and just deal with them one day at a time. During this period I was working...
Hearing Phantom Noises That Wakes Me Up by sunshine_taylor
Is this what they call "Exploding Head Syndrome"? I have had incidents where I would be woken up by loud noises, door slams, doorbells, and even glass shatters. I remember falling asleep and being woken up every morning at 8:58 a.m. Or 9:00 a.m. By something heavy falling on the floor. The noises of...
How Do I Develop My Abilities? I Think I'm Loosing Them by whatdoidowiththis
I need help. Ever since I was young, I had a strong intuition. I experienced deja vu on a daily basis, could know a person's intent just by looking at them, and my dreams would come true. I would dream of the clothes that I would buy down to the last detail, questions on an upcoming exam, or impo...
Maxwell by cayce17
On the date of May 28th, 2017, an abnormal occurence occured to me in a nightmare of the darkest forms. I have been so shaken up that I haven't been able to openly speak up about it with anyone until now. On that day, I swear my soul was ripped out of my body by greedy hands that wanted to harm ...
Captured A Spirit On A Photograph by FayeElizabeth
A couple of days ago I was taking photos of my son when I caught something unusual on the picture. Next to his head I can see what looks like the shadow of a mans face with a flame next to it, the colour of the face is transparent smoky grey/silver and the flame is bright white with green coming fro...
A Deep "knowing" by Annie16
This is my first submission to this site although I have submitted to My Ghost Stories before. Maybe someone can help explain what this ability is. Ever since I was in my teens I could "know" what was going to happen e.g. I dreamt of my older brother's death 3 nights in a row. The emotions I expe...
Clocks Stopping by Lola83
I need a little help, for years now (about 15) I cannot have a clock in my house as after a few days (most was 2 weeks) my clocks will suddenly stop, always on different times so it's not that weird but weird enough to worry me as I have had to replace clocks all the time. Recently my mother gave me...
The Curse Of The Magic Dreamcatcher by daniellef1975
In 2002, I was walking with my parents at a street fair in Carlsbad, CA and encountered a magic dreamcatcher. I saw a bohemian-looking man with a dreamcatcher and scoffed. "Stupid hippie with a bogus dreamcatcher," I thought to myself, "what an idiot." I also glared at him rudely, instead of smiling...
Am I Psychic Or? by Shayx
I'm Shay and I am currently 13. For a few years I have been having these meaningless dreams. They end up coming true weeks later. For example. I had this dream a few months ago where I was holding up a beige color purse. With a long strap. An I was with my Grandfather at the store saying "I really l...
I Don't Know If I Have A Gift Or This Is A Coincidence by xmelx24
I'm 15 years old and for as long as I can remember my mom and I (mostly me) have been having weird experiences. I wouldn't say that they are psychic experiences but something happens almost everyday and not sure if these are coincidental or not and please comment if you have anything similar. Anyway...
Psychic Slavers by hifiux
Who are these attackers? They are modern day slavers that use their psychic skills and abilities to enslave US citizens. They attack us in our homes, while we try to sleep in our beds. From what I can tell, they have rich customers that pay them to control regular people and force them into being...
Weird Abilities, I Think by Theo-Chris
This is the first time I ended up on this side of the internet, but for some years I get this weird feeling that I have some abilities. When I was younger, like 4-8 years old, I could feel when others were in pain and when my mother or my brother had headaches and stuff, I'd just put my hand on the...
I Am Searching For The Others by leftonshore
This is my first time posting an experience in this website. I'm still confused and trying to figure this all out. I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do, but here I go. I am a 19 year old who has experienced a couple of strange things. I know this may sound so crazy to you, but believe me...
I Hate Knowing And Feeling Fear by ConstantlyClairvoyant
I am 31 years old. I have been an empath since birth. My mom had a neurologist test my iq and eq. Iq was only 75 but my eq was 160. I have always known what a girl feels about me just by looking could tell what they're intentions and truth was by hearing their tone of voice and almost always knew wh...
Senses Are Higher Than Usual by paterpecavi
Lately me and a close friend of mine who I would say has very strong psychic abilities has been noticing that our physical senses have become much higher. I know for me I have been experiencing very painful sensory overload (it's like my body is just overwhelmed), sometimes it won't go away all nigh...
Psychic Dreams And Intuitions I Don't Know What To Do With? by Faustine
Last week I had a vivid dream in which I went to visit a friend who I have not seen since the holidays. In the dream I went into the house and he told me they had recently been robbed. That they broke in via the living room window and what items they took. I then dreamed that I was seeing the robber...
Help With Psychic Attack by DandelionOcean
I'm feeling troubled today over a set of strange experiences I had yesterday. I have been doing a lot of self growth work and actively trying to expand my third eye and continue on my awakening journey. I can see some auras, but more often flashes of light, colored orbs and blobs, waves in the air a...
Am I Gifted? I Call It 'opposite Vision' by Kacenuqui
I don't actually know when it started. But all I know is it has been always there. My 'opposite vision'. Well, I call it like that. I don't know how to verbalize it, but bear with me guys. I have never been able to share this to anybody, until my latest girlfriend/wifey/best friend. I told her I'm w...
Unexplained Events by Angel244
The first time I have ever experienced something, I never believed it myself. But, I was about 9.I remember just being over at my grandparents house. I was in one of the bedrooms with a cousin, I remember just us two laying down in a bed and saying how we were sleeping together that night and we wer...
Messages From The Other Side Coming Through Me by Sudi
I am writing this because I need a mentor! Please read and see if you might be my person, or someone who has gone through this and is able to at least give me some guidance. As long as I can remember I have always felt "spirits and ghosts", I could always tell when someone is lying and then of cou...
My Dreams Predict The Future by allisonclark3912
I know this is going to sound crazy, but my dreams predict the future! This mostly happens in nightmares which is unfortunate. Although there are multiple examples of this happening, I am only going to share a few because the others are way too personal. The first one I'm going to talk about happene...
Telekinetic Experiences by Bookee77
I'm going to try and make this short. I'm 25, and ever since I was kid I noticed weird things happening to me I'm not exactly sure what it is but I know it can't just be a coincidence. Anyways when I was little maybe about 7, I was at this store with my grandma and I saw this cool little glass decor...
Why Am I Feeling Others Emotions? by MoonLightWolf
I'm new to this psychic stuff this site was recommended by a friend. I've noticed I've been, feeling other people emotions I never really noticed it but my friends and family have. Personally I'm not the wear your heart on your sleeve type just the opposite I keep my emotions in check so much so I'v...
Autistic Empath With Precog, Is Getting Sensory Overload by Blossom94
My nickname is Blossom, I'm 23 years old, a psychic, empath, medium, with precognition (I have visions of the future when I sleep and here my own thoughts in them). Some background about my psychic abilities and stuff I've been through do to them, I need advice and guidance. Growing up I was more...
Green Glowing Eyes by Antiviist
I want to start off by saying that I have never seen anything like this before - which is why I am telling you guys this in hope that someone have had an encounter similar to me. I was at my boyfriends family's apartment about a week ago, it was very late and everyone was sleeping but I couldn't...
Energy Force by Beachlove
Since I could remember I could see a force like thing around every thing I look at. When I was in 6 grade I ignored them and continued life. Now in the 9 th grade, I started taking interest in them and wanting to know what it is. I can see a clear force thing around everything I see it connect t...
Rita by Damond
When I was 12 we moved to south Texas from Indiana. The first day there I went to a rodeo and was being introduced to all the local kids and I saw a group of cowgirls standing behind the bleachers and one in particular stood out. She was tiny, with skinny little arms and legs but red hair down to he...
Receiving Messages In My Dreams? by ZooeyMcdonald
For a while now I had this hunch that I may be related to a distant family friend. I had no way of confirming it without stirring up family drama but during the time I was learning about Spirit Guides so I decided why not try and contact my guides for answers. I reached out and contacted them severa...
Street Light Phenomenon by Liam39876
I'm writing this after experiencing something very peculiar. As of this night, I had went on a walk. It was just out of the blue, I had a feeling and decided to follow it. I then had ended up at park, and sat down at a bench. I was the only person in the park, for as far as the eye could see. Anyway...
The Strange Happenings by Mello1991
Every since I was little I have always been enthused by the thoughts of havings powers such a smind control and seeing ghost. My story start last year when I thought I was dying my organs was failing and I had pain all in my body and I barely had any energy and I knew I was close to death. I ended u...
This Is Scaring Me (in A Good Way) by ImNewHere
Last week (Wednesday or Thursday morning) my dog woke me up, I never get up angry or upset because of my dog, but that day was different so I got deep in my thoughts and something was telling me that a Mexican actor would have a bad moment, a tiny bad moment. I did not pay attention to it and forgot...
Awake Vision And/or Message From The Other Side? by boatsonthesea
A little background before my story: psychic abilities do run in my family, specifically on my mother's side so I'm not surprised these interesting things happen to me/us occasionally. My grandmother and her sister were both very clairvoyant, and we have many stories in our family of that trait show...
The Predictive Drawings by qxeeeennnnnn
I really like drawing and I have been drawing for about 4 years or so. I usually just draw the stuff I know how and don't really do anything else but these last few months have been different. By different I mean I could be in class and all of a sudden I would get distracted but something and can't ...
Thinking Things Before They Happen? by Jessica_Mason
I went to visit NYC back in November and had recurring and very strange experiences that I guess I could consider to be clairvoyant... But I'm not sure. Basically what happened was we'd be walking around and doing something (I was in NYC with three other people-my mom and two family friends. It wa...
I Had A Premonition Of A Famous Superstar's Death by Lovelypurple
One day I was driving. I can't remember where to but that doesn't matter. All of a sudden I had a feeling to look up at the sky and then something or a thought said that a famous superstar was going to die in a plane crash. I kept looking at the sky for a moment hoping not to see any planes over me....
Outer Body Experience: In Different Bodies by veev
I'm new to your platform but not new to the belief in the spiritual and supernatural. Some time ago back home in my country, I sometimes had out of body experiences or dreams where I was someone else or some animal. More like I was seeing life through their minds or eyes. I had this particular exper...
Outer Body Experience Vs Reincarnation Vs Past Lives by veev
This is another experience. I dreamt I was in a castle and in a body which surprisingly felt comfortable like mine. I was trying to save someone from being poisoned or an infection (and actually in real life I'm in the medical field and passionate about these things right from childhood. Most medica...
Terrified Of My Dreams? by Abitafraid
I am writing because I have no idea what else to do. Mainly, I do not, and never thought, I'd find myself on a website like this. I am a physics teacher and have never considered psychic phenomenon a real thing. But the things that have been happening to me lately in my sleep, I just need some help ...
How Effective Is Secular Exorcism? by Chickadee1948
Internationally recognized psychic Edgar Cayce was a distance healer who also documented numerous encounters with demons he found in patients. In reading 5753-1, he states: "Discarnate entities... May influence the thought of an entity.", and in reading 638-1, Cayce declares with simple, unambiguous...
Input From A Different Frequency by Greggb
I've posted here before. I provided an email address, so other like-minded people could contact me. I got a number of responses, and communicated with some really cool people, but I don't think anyone really understood what it is I'm going through. I thought I'd give it another shot today. I've f...
Twin Problems by LilHobbit
My identical twin sister and I both experience paranormal things-we both are able to hear and see things. When something happens to one of us, we would usually consult with the other. However, lately there has been one persistent 'thing' that seems to keep reappearing towards my sister. A month ago,...
New To Being A Medium by Kagomeluvs
I'm new to being a medium & it's not easy because people think I'm crazy even people I grew up with. Recently I started talking to an old friend who lost loved ones. When I tell him about the lost ones he loves he doesn't believe me. One of his loved one's doesn't love him anymore. I told him that &...
Strange Occurrences From Childhood To Now by Isaac_Christian13
For most of my childhood I have experienced strange things. I never thought anything of them because I always tried to be rational. When I started getting into the paranormal in my teens, I looked back on the things I had experienced as a kid. One thing that I can always remember happening (in my ch...
Laurel And Hardy by studentoftheuniverse
You may have noticed the title of my story is the famous comedy duo 'Laurel and Hardy'. I would like to begin by stating that, of this comedy duo, Stan Laurel is a first cousin three times removed! I was born in the year 2000, so I am still quite young. This story is going to be short and it is open...
Open Up My Mind by angelo
I'm 16 years old. I have very bad social anxiety. I've always been interested in stuff like this website. Tiny things have happened to me and when something little happens I guess before it I can be right or, when I find out something I would be angry upset or feel something but, sometimes I don't f...
My Dad Came To Visit Me by Jubeele
Do you ever had moments of foreboding when you knew out of the blue, just knew, that something terrible was about to happen? On the morning of February 11, 2004, I woke up with just that feeling sitting like a lead weight in my stomach. It was accompanied by a hollow, heart-rending feeling of los...
Deja Vu Or More? by Katb
Lately I've been getting Deja Vu almost daily. But it's different. I watch as it happens and I know EXACTLY what is about to happen. I mean what someone is going to say and what is about to happen around me. I just started a new job. I don't know these people but I can say what they are about to say...
I Would Like Some Clarification by Divineyoung
I've always come to this site whenever something has happened to me to now I'm not alone, I'm 18 years old and I want to say since I was 13 years old I've experienced visions I think and speaking with spirits. When I was 13 I remember playing a video game while home alone and I heard a young girl's ...
I Predicted Someone's Death by Powerhelp1
As a title you can say it's not a good story. I don't know if people can have multiple powers hell I'm not even sure people could have powers. I don't know. This is the story of how I predicted some stuff it's a true story wasn't very fun to see someone dying in your head and not know if it was j...
Remember Me? by Angel244
March 31st, so just last night I had spent time with my family. It was a normal Saturday night. We were having dinner and watching some movies. We usually bring a bed out to the living room and all sleep together watching movies. On my way to go pick some movies out I get a weird smell like if...
I Don't Know How To Cope With These Experiences Anymore by SavanaMarss
My whole life I have been very sensitive to things. What I mean by that is I have seen a lot of shadows, lights, and even people who are there for one second then I blink and they are gone! I hear voices all the time and sometimes I even see animals running around sometimes when my only cat is sitti...
Angel Experience & Visions In Shadows by Raphael
I am a little worried I might be nuts. I've always been a super spiritual person but up until now iv'e only had feel good feelings during meditation. But i've ALSO had a feeling that I might have done bad in a past life. But recently, I had an out of the world (literally) experience. I felt God ...
New To This Gift by Arpy
I tried finding support groups for Mediums and I couldn't. Then I found this site and I'm hope someone can help me with this. I saw spirits when I was 10 and I still remember it clear as day. A young boy in 80's clothing pulled off my covers and just stood there as I woke up. A women in a yellow/gol...
My Astral Journey (information Gathered) by quickfixesonly
Lately I've been having more lucid dreams than usual. I decided to travel interstellary astrally to the places I've always wantred to visit and gather information in order to see if the information could help someone. The idea of astral travel is ancient and occurs in multiple cultures. The moder...
Abilities Gained From Belief In God by Pieter
This year Something unusual developed within me and I believe it came from God. I have gained the ability to heal people a few months ago, and it's pretty cool, I also have developed a higher level of understanding And don't use my gifts for anything but good. I recently went to the hospital f...
Crowded Room by Star_Light
I've lived with this for a long time, and since I've been more open to my medium abilities more people have been coming to me, and by people I mean spirits. Last night while I was getting ready for bed I felt a weird pain in the back of my neck then fingers brushing through my hair. I figured it was...
Warnings From The Spirit World by tokio48389
From as far back as I can remember, I have always felt that I had a connection to the spiritual world but I have always been overwhelmed with this feeling that I should not explore it any further. Almost like I'm getting a warning. Both my grandmother (Father's mother) and great-grandmother (mother ...
Suicide, Abuse, And Cultivation. Give Me Guidance by viiola_vendetta
New user here!:) Before I dive in to anything yet, I would like to fill in a little bit about myself. It's probably cliche. I am 19 years of age. When I was a kid, I was always capable of seeing things and hearing things. My father shared similar senses too. Growing up I pushed away these sense...
Psychic Attacked For Months by Blitzeagle
Started with getting these paranoid thoughts/negative ones. Didn't know what was going on and thought they were mine for a bit, after awhile realized that all the negative thoughts were not mine. Then the thoughts begin to talk to me, argue with me, bring up past experiences and mocking them. Starte...
Think I My House Is A Portal. And Now Everyone Follows Me by Marin
I moved on with my roommate in January when I separated from my husband after 23 years. My best friend offered me a place in his small one bedroom cottage. At first I would hear him say he thought people were in his attic and the was constantly checking but no sign of anything. Based on the issues I...
Choices Prediction by DawnOfHackers
I am 13 and a few weeks ago I started being able to predict some people's choices. For example, the first time it happened: I was at school and predicted which direction of the hallway a person will come from in order to get to class. An hour later I started predicting the direction that they (certa...
13 And Hearing Seeeing And Feeling Things by AcupOfTae
This is pretty long, I'm 13 years old. I just wanted to talk about things that happened to me at my aunts home. My sister hasn't hear or felt or seen anything but I have. About two nights ago I was in bed at like 2:20 am. I was in bed and I heard footsteps, in the room. Like walking next to the bed....
Psychic Abilities Since A Child by TheGifted_101
I've been seeing energy lights or they somehow look like bright light spirits constantly at work. I see them in the sky every time I look up at one point I used to see something like a lotus beam flower as if I can shoot beams from my eyes l. It would be in circles. All while I still see tiny light ...
Am I Psychic, Or Is This A Coincidence? by BayFields7
I have just recently reconnected with my mother after several years and we started talking about my childhood. Around age four she had claimed that while she was pregnant (before knowing the sex of the baby) I had stated, "Mommy the baby boy has a lot of hair," Apparently at her next ultrasound the ...
My Body Acts Differently by Magickyg413
My body has been acting weird lately. Its hard to explain but ill do what I can. Its been a year, and I can't tell whether this is something demonic or a strange possession on my back at the end of my spine. Whenever I go to bed at night, my spine lifts up my body causing me to jolt me up before tr...
I Saw One More Spirit Who Seeked Help And Peace by Mayank3102
When I went on my holidays to meet some relatives but I never expected that I will encounter another help seeking spirit. For safety and legal reasons, I am not able to disclose any names but I will tell what details I can about the experience. On 7th April, when I arrived in Mumbai City, I was ...
Seeing The Future In My Dreams by Mysteriouswoman
My name is Abby and I am 16 years old. When I was little (I can't remember how little I was) I started having these weird dreams. They were different from my normal dreams or nightmares I had. They are only 5-10 second dreams. I normally brushed it aside like it was a coincidence. Then one night I h...
So I'm Connecting With Amy Winehouse? by Missdelaney
I have always been empathic, but lately I I've been dreaming about Amy. When I talk about things I cry randomly, as if I feel her sadness. We both suffered addiction and I'm worried I'm either crazy or we're connected in some way. It's really bugging me. My body feels her sadness, happiness and love...
Weird Experience While Trying To Induce An Obe, Help? by Seeing11
For a few months now I have been researching and working myself up to trying and practicing astral projection, (yes, I am aware of possible dangers and have thoroughly read through on that subject), so last night I forgot to do my stuff before I went to bed and was woken up at 4:00 AM to the sound o...
Why Do I Keep Seeing 11 So Much? by Seeing11
I don't have much to say before this story so I'm just going to jump straight in. I'm Christian and one day a few weeks ago I came across a random video on YouTube about some kind alien race call Pleiadians. I was watching a conspiracy video and it happened to be next in the queue for autoplay, ...
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